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1. Which type of CBT intervention targets emotional and physiological components of anger?
A. Relaxation training
B. Cognitive interventions
C. Communication skills interventions
D. Combined interventions
2. The term “trigger” is meant to convey that anger is an automatic response that cannot be controlled.
A. True
B. False
3. Greater PTSD symptom severity had higher anger levels at baseline, and higher levels of PTSD symptoms predicted greater anger symptom reductions.
A. True
B. False
4. The ideal number of participants in an anger management treatment group is:
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
5. All of the following are the reasons for recommending that anger management treatment be delivered in a group setting, except for:
A. Solid empirical support exists for group cognitive-behavioral interventions.
B. Group treatment is efficient and cost-effective.
C. It provides a greater range of possibilities and flexibility in role-plays and behavioral rehearsal activities.
D. It provides more time for in-depth instruction and individualized behavioral rehearsal.
6. It is recommended that group members be abstinent from drugs (except for properly used prescription medications) and alcohol for at least _____ before joining the anger management group.
A. 3 days
B. 7 days
C. 2 weeks
D. 8 weeks
7. If patients are compliant with their medication regimen and abstinent from drugs and alcohol, they can comprehend the treatment material and effectively use concepts such as timeouts and thought stopping to manage anger.
A. True
B. False
8. Experience shows that _____ helps members feel the group will meet their needs and reduces the anxiety associated with the introductions and the first group session in general.
A. Each member introducing himself and herself to the group
B. The group leader offering a supportive comment that validates the member’s decision to participate in the group
C. Roleplaying with other group members
D. Effectively using concepts such as timeouts and thought stopping to manage anger
9. The purpose of the anger management group is to:
A. Learn to manage anger.
B. Stop violence or the threat of violence.
C. Develop and strengthen skills for self-control over thoughts and actions.
D. The purpose of the anger management group is to learn to manage anger, stop violence or the threat of violence, develop and strengthen skills for self-control over thoughts and actions, and receive support and feedback from others.
10. In every state, health laws govern that professionals must report any physical or sexual abuse inflicted on any of the following, except for:
A. A child or adolescent younger than age 18.
B. A person age 18 to 64.
C. A person age 65 or older.
D. A dependent adult.
11. If a group member makes credible threats to physically harm or kill another person, the group leader is required, under the Tarasoff ruling, to warn the intended victim and notify the police.
A. True
B. False
12. Anger is a natural response to those situations where:
A. We feel threatened.
B. We believe harm will come to us.
C. We believe that another person has unnecessarily wronged us.
D. Anger is a natural response when we feel threatened, believe that harm will come to us, or believe that someone has unnecessarily wronged us.
13. Anger is a behavior that is intended to cause harm to another person or damage property.
A. True
B. False
14. Which of the following is an attitude that involves disliking others and evaluating them negatively?
A. Hostility
B. Anger
C. Aggression
D. Malice
15. When is anger a problem?
A. When it is felt too intensely.
B. When it is felt too intensely or too frequently.
C. When it is felt too intensely, too frequently, or is expressed inappropriately.
D. Anger is always a problem and is never a positive emotion.
16. The way we behaviorally express anger is inherited and cannot be changed.
A. True
B. False
17. Effective anger management involves controlling the escalation of anger by learning assertiveness skills, changing negative and hostile thoughts or “self-talk,” challenging maladaptive beliefs, and employing a variety of behavioral strategies.
A. True
B. False
18. What is the goal of assertiveness?
A. To express feelings of anger in a way that is respectful of other people.
B. To dominate or intimidate another person.
C. To harm or injure another person.
D. To win at any cost.
19. Research studies have found that the aggressive expression of anger, such as screaming or beating on pillows, is healthy and therapeutic.
A. True
B. False
20. An effective set of strategies for controlling anger include immediate, interpersonal, and preventive strategies. Which of the following is a preventive strategy?
A. Deep-breathing exercises
B. Changing maladaptive beliefs
C. Strengthening assertive communication
D. Problem-solving
21. There is always time, provided one has learned effective coping skills, to stop anger from escalating to a 10.
A. True
B. False
22. Clenching fists, pacing back and forth, slamming doors, and raising one’s voice are all examples of which type of cues to anger?
A. Physical cues
B. Behavioral cues
C. Emotional cues
D. Cognitive cues
23. The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is to:
A. Reframe the way one thinks about a problem.
B. Change one’s approach to a problem.
C. Both reframe the way one thinks about a problem so that they can change their approach to a problem.
D. Learn to recognize when they become angry and how to take timeouts.
24. The long-term objective of anger management treatment is to develop a set of strategies that can be used appropriately for specific anger-related events.
A. True
B. False
25. In the stress response, the nervous system is energized; in this agitated state, a person may have trouble returning to lower levels on the anger meter and additional anger-related situations and events can increase risk for a further escalation of anger.
A. True
B. False
26. Everyone has a relaxation response that counteracts the stress response. It is physically impossible to be both agitated and relaxed at the same time.
A. True
B. False
27. Which of the following events are types of situations that are unique to a person for which they are especially sensitive to because of past events?
A. Buildup events
B. Explosions
C. Aftermath events
D. Red-flag events
28. All of the following describe the explosion phase, except for:
A. It is marked by a discharge of anger displayed as verbal or physical aggression.
B. It leads to negative consequences.
C. It is synonymous with the number 10 on the anger meter.
D. It is caused by physical cues.
29. One of the primary objectives of anger management treatment is to avoid all situations that could contribute to the buildup phase.
A. True
B. False
30. Which of the following is the cause of anger?
A. The event itself causes the anger.
B. A person’s interpretation of and beliefs concerning the event causes the anger.
C. Both the event and the person’s interpretation of the event cause the anger.
D. Anger is caused by inherited traits.
31. How one feels about an event based on their self-talk describes which portion of the A-B-C-D Model?
A. Activating situation or event
B. Belief system
C. Consequences
D. Dispute
32. From an anger management perspective, which of the following is a desirable alternative of aggressive behavior?
A. Acting assertively
B. Acting in a passive manner
C. Expressing hostility
D. Reacting with passive-aggressive behavior
33. Which of the following is the first step involved in the Conflict Resolution Model?
A. Identifying the feelings associated with the conflict.
B. Identifying the problem that is causing the conflict.
C. Identifying the specific impact of the problem that is causing the conflict.
D. Deciding whether to resolve the conflict or let it go.
34. An assumption of anger management treatment is that no form of physical discipline is beneficial to a child.
A. True
B. False
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