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1. Which policy states that certain states exclusively allow the possession of alcohol only when a family member consents or is present for individuals under the age of 21?
A. Policy #1: Underage Possession, Consumption, and Internal Possession
B. Policy #2: Underage Purchase and Attempted Purchase
C. Policy #3: Furnishing Alcohol to Minors
D. Policy #4: Hosting Underage Drinking Parties
2. Why are compliance check protocols generally implemented in states and jurisdictions?
A. To prove an adult host’s liability in underage drinking parties
B. To determine the blood alcohol concentration limits in youth
C. To deter underage drinking by imposing loss of driving privileges
D. To decrease the likelihood that retailers will sell alcohol to minors
3. Which policy addresses situations where underage drivers' ability to operate a vehicle may be impaired at lower blood alcohol concentrations due to factors such as lower body mass and lack of driving experience?
A. Policy #8: False Identification
B. Policy #6: Youth Blood Alcohol Concentration Limits
C. Policy #7: Loss of Driving Privileges for Alcohol Violation by Minors
D. Policy #9: Graduated Driver’s Licenses
4. What is the main purpose of Social Host Liability Laws, according to Policy #5?
A. To impose restrictions on home delivery of alcohol
B. To stop individuals from using false identification to purchase alcohol
C. To prevent individuals under the age of 21 from buying alcohol
D. To disincentivize hosts from furnishing alcohol to under-21 individuals due to risk of litigation and compensations claims
5. Based on Policy #12: Direct Sales/Shipments from Producers, why have many states recently created exceptions to the three-tier production and distribution system?
A. To promote aggressive marketing of alcohol products
B. To permit alcohol producers to sell and ship alcohol directly to consumers
C. To limit the volume of alcohol that can be delivered to consumers
D. To ensure responsible adults are present when alcohol is consumed
6. Which policy prohibits retailers from shipping alcohol directly to consumers located across state lines, often by orders placed over the internet?
A. POLICY #13: Retailer Interstate Shipment
B. POLICY #14: Increasing Alcohol Tax Rates
C. POLICY #15: Penalty Guidelines for Sales/Services to Minors
D. POLICY #12: Retail Alcohol Licensing
7. Which policy involves increasing the retail pricing of alcohol to combat underage drinking, college drinking, and binge drinking?
A. POLICY #15: Penalty Guidelines for Sales/Services to Minors
B. POLICY #13: Retailer Interstate Shipment
C. POLICY #14: Increasing Alcohol Tax Rates
D. POLICY #16: Minimum Age for On-Premises Server
8. Which policy discusses the minimum age for employees who serve or dispense alcoholic beverages in on-premise establishments such as restaurants or bars?
A. POLICY #17: Minimum Age for Off-Premises Server
B. POLICY #16: Minimum Age for On-Premises Server
C. POLICY #18: Dram Shop Liability
D. POLICY #15: Penalty Guidelines for Sales/Services to Minors
9. According to POLICY #22, what is one of the main purposes of keg registration laws?
A. To allow law enforcement officers to trace the keg back to the purchaser
B. To increase the retail price of alcohol
C. To discourage the sale of high-proof grain alcoholic beverages
D. To establish a mandatory three-tier structure including producers, wholesalers, and retailers
10. The POLICY #24: Distance Limitations Applied to New Alcohol Outlets has its main aim to:
A. Encourage the establishment of more alcohol outlets near colleges and schools
B. Make alcohol less accessible to youth by keeping alcohol sales physically distant from locations they congregate
C. Increase alcohol outlet density
D. Promote the sale of high-proof grain alcoholic beverages near colleges and universities
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