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Quantum Units Education®

Clinical Supervision Methods and Models

1. Goals of clinical supervision include all but

A. protect the welfare of the client

B. act as a gatekeeper for the profession

C. promote the supervisees growth

D. assessing organizational structure

2. This method of supervision occurs while the session is ongoing.

A. Ex-post facto

B. Concurrent

C. Reflection

D. Process Notes

3. This method of supervision that occurs after the therapy session has terminated.

A. Ex-post facto

B. Concurrent

C. Reflection

D. Process Notes

4. This is the most common method of supervision.

A. Ex-post facto

B. Concurrent

C. Self-report

D. Live

5. This method of supervision relies on the supervisee's self-report and is therefore has limitations and is susceptible to bias.

A. Case Consultation

B. Cotherapy

C. Live Observation

D. Video Recording

6. In this method of supervision the supervisee plays the role of supervisor and the supervisor that of the supervisee.

A. Role-play

B. Role-reversal

C. Modeling

D. Coaching

7. Which if the following is part of the client's official medical record?

A. Process Notes

B. Video Recordings

C. Progress Notes

D. Reflection Notes

8. Drawing, Sandtray, and the use of stories are all examples of this type of supervision method.

A. Interpersonal Process Recall

B. Written information

C. Triadic

D. Nonlinear

9. Advantages of group supervision include all except

A. saves time and money

B. opportunities for team building

C. encourages peer feedback

D. supervisees may not have their needs met

10. When providing telesupervision, it is the _____ 's responsibility to comply with all state licensing boards, jurisdictions, and codes of ethics.

A. Supervisee

B. Supervisor

C. Client

D. Agency/Organization

11. Recommendations for supervisors providing telesupervision include all but

A. review the code of ethics

B. have a backup plan in case of technology failure

C. plan for a weak supervisory relationship

D. be competent in the use of technology

12. In this model of supervision, the goal is to help supervisee progress to the next level by accurately identifying their current level and intervening appropriately

A. Pscyhotherapy-based model

B. Integrative model

C. Developmental Model

D. Competence-based model

13. In this model of supervision, that which is useful in bringing about change with clients is likely to be useful in bringing about change with supervisees

A. Pscyhotherapy-based model

B. Integrative model

C. Developmental Model

D. Competence-based model

14. The most important responsibility of a clinical supervisor is to

A. empower the supervisees decision making

B. monitor the supervisees development

C. protect the welfare of the client

D. promote the supervisees growth

15. In level one of the integrated developmental model, the supervisee

A. mood is impacted based on their success or failure with the client.

B. lacks confidence and skills.

C. is capable of functioning independently.

D. takes responsibility for their decisions.

16. This model addresses a person's development from novice helper through expert practitioner.

A. Integrated Developmental

B. Integrative Developmental

C. Discrimination Developmental

D. Lifespan Developmental

17. These categories of supervision models are based on specific therapeutic approaches.

A. Psychotherapy-based Supervision

B. Psychodynamic Supervision

C. Developmental Supervision

D. Integrative Supervision

18. This model of supervision is structured, focused, and has a set agenda.

A. Systems Approach to Supervision

B. Reflective Supervision

C. Cognitive-behavioral Supervision

D. Evidence-based Supervision

19. In this model, the supervisor uses questioning techniques to help the supervisee find the answer to their problems.

A. Systems Approach to Supervision

B. Solution-focused Supervision

C. Person-centered Supervision

D. Social Role Model Supervision

20. The ______ model is situation-specific, meaning that the supervisor's role and focus change not only across sessions but within sessions.

A. Systems Approach to Supervision

B. Systemic

C. Critical Events

D. Discrimination

21. Using task analysis to review how a supervisee handled a situation and could do things differently in the future is a key aspect of:

A. Systems Approach to Supervision

B. Feminist Approach to Supervision

C. Critical Events Model of Supervision

D. Discrimination Model of Supervision

22. Power inequities, gender issues, and diversity issues are themes of which model of supervision?

A. Reflective Supervision

B. Feminist Approach to Supervision

C. Critical Events Model

D. Discrimination Model

23. One disadvantage of this category of supervision models is the flexibility of the approach may cause confusion, anxiety, and frustration with supervisees.

A. Psychotherapy-based models

B. Integrative models

C. Developmental models

D. Evidence-based models

24. This supervision model does not believe that just because a person has been a supervisee in the past and now has clinical experience, they can be a quality supervisor.

A. Person-centered supervision

B. Discrimination supervision

C. Reflective supervision

D. Competency-based supervision

25. This model of supervision was created in response to research showing clinical supervisors lacked formal training and were providing incompetent supervision.

A. Discrimination

B. Competency-based

C. Evidence-based

D. Psychotherapy-based

26. This evaluation tool addresses a supervisor's competency level to the model of supervision.




D. Supervision Competencies Framework

27. Steps towards developing your own model of supervision include

A. selecting a theory that comes closest to your beliefs

B. asking your supervisee what they need

C. asking your supervisor what you should adopt

D. following what agency dictates

28. This is a structured model of supervision for triadic supervision.




D. Nonlinear

29. Research shows supervision can be a protective factor against

A. procrastination

B. liability lawsuits

C. HIPAA violations

D. burnout

30. Supervisors must be knowledgeable regarding their and their supervisee's professional code of ethics and

A. jurisdiction guidelines in which they and their supervisee are practicing.

B. their supervisee's personal schedules.

C. best practices for accepting gifts.

D. best practices for completing case notes synchronously.

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