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Ethical Concerns When Working with Children and Adolescents

1. All of the following but one are ethical principles for Psychologists. Which does not belong?

A. Developmental perspective

B. Mandatory reporting

C. Promoting the Welfare of Children and Adolescents

D. Minimizing Harmful Effects

2. Legal considerations in behavioral health ethics should include all of the following but one. Which does not belong?

A. Stakeholder consideration

B. Federal laws

C. State laws

D. Local laws

3. Which of the following best defines the broad theme of professional competency and responsibility for school psychologists?

A. “School psychologists engage only in professional practices that maintain the dignity of all with whom they work. In their words and actions, school psychologists demonstrate respect for the autonomy of persons and their right to self-determination, respect for privacy, and a commitment to just, equitable, and fair treatment of all persons.”

B. “Beneficence, or responsible caring, means that the school psychologist acts to benefit others. To do this, school psychologists must practice within the boundaries of their competence, use scientific knowledge from psychology and education to help clients and others make informed choices, and accept responsibility for their work.”

C. “To foster and maintain trust, school psychologists must be faithful to the truth and adhere to their professional promises. School psychologists demonstrate integrity in professional relationships.”

D. “School psychologists promote healthy school, family, and community environments. They assume a proactive role in identifying social injustices that affect children and youth and schools, and they strive to reform systems-level patterns of injustice."

4. Which of the following is not an ethical principle of social workers?

A. Service

B. Social Justice

C. Dignity and Worth of the Person

D. Confidence

5. Which of the following might be a beneficial boundary crossing opportunity?

A. Hugging a patient

B. DIsclosing another patient's information

C. Attending a meal with a patient who has an eating disorder

D. Offering a patient a gift

6. What does HIPAA stand for?

A. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

B. Health Information Portability and Accountability Act

C. Health Insurance Partnership and Accountability Act

D. Health Insurance Portability and Access Act

7. What was a covered entity created to protect?

A. Client phone numbers

B. Client's friends

C. Client's health care information

D. Client's demographic information

8. All of the following but one is true. Which is not?

A. All parents will be legal personal representatives for their children in healthcare.

B. When a parent agrees to a confidential relationship between the minor child and the professional treating them

C. When state law does not require consent of a parent for the child to access a particular health care service.

D. When another person, aside from the parent, is authorized to consent to services for the minor. For example, when a court grants another adult to make healthcare decisions for the minor child

9. What law will determine the age that a child can consent to their own services?

A. Federal law

B. Local law

C. State law

D. Healthcare agencies themselves

10. All of the following benefits of wraparound services exist except one. Which does not belong?

A. Reunification of families more often than when it is not used

B. More affordable services for individuals and families and money saved for systems

C. Supports children to stay in the home and not have to go to out-of-home placements as often

D. improves functioning in school

11. Who develops goals for therapy with the minor client?

A. Their parents

B. Their teachers

C. Their doctor

D. Their therapist

12. Applied Behavioral Analysis is a common treatment service for what diagnosis?


B. Personality Disorders

C. Autism Spectrum Disorder


13. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is based on 5 problem areas. Which is not one of those areas?

A. Educed focus or awareness

B. Impulsivity issues

C. Interpersonal problems

D. Hypersexuality

14. Which is the highest level of care available to children?

A. Outpatient care

B. Intensive outpatient care

C. Partial hospitalization

D. Hospitalization

15. How is coordination of care defined in person-centered care?

A. Care is integrated so that services reduce client vulnerability

B. Care is integrated so that services are available

C. Care is integrated so that services meet all client needs

D. Care is integrated so that services help reduce issues in families

16. In person-centered care, who is empowered to make decisions for clients?

A. Doctors

B. Families

C. Therapists

D. Clients

17. How is autonomy defined?

A. The ability to think

B. The ability to think for others

C. The ability to think and act for one's self

D. The ability to think for one's self

18. Why is autonomy important in therapy?

A. It ensures less sessions are needed so it's more cost effective

B. The therapeutic relationship is improved

C. It helps patients open up

D. It does not make a difference

19. All of the following are ways that clinicians can teach clients to be autonomous but one. Which does not belong?

A. Asking the child to work with their family to decision make

B. Teaching the minor child to see their achievements and successes. This helps the child feel a sense of competence and significance in the world - therefore promoting their autonomous sense of self, even if they are dependent on others

C. Teaching the minor child to see their power and the decisions that they can make for themselves every day to have an impact in the world

D. Help the child find and integrate into a community where they feel a sense of belonging

20. Which of the following explains the talk-meter activity?

A. The therapist can invite the child to put up artwork or move furniture (within reason) that may serve as helpful for their therapy comfort.

B. The clinician can offer ideas of subjects to talk about and the client can draw where on the thermometer they feel about discussing that particular topic with the thermometer being completely drawn in representing a full willingness and excitement to talk about that topic and not being drawn in at all representing a complete inability to discuss that particular topic.

C. the therapist will bring magazines and art supplies to a session to invite the child to build a collage that represents their life so far.

D. the therapist will invite the child to build a “social media profile” for the therapist. This is not done online but on a piece of paper that looks like a main social media page.

21. Which of the following is an example of challenging the client to go deeper?

A. Thank you so much for sharing this with me.

B. I imagine it wasn't easy to share that.

C. I wonder - do you think there's anything more when you look underneath this?

D. Why do you think that is?

22. All of the following but one are mandatory reporters? Who are not?

A. Teachers

B. Doctors

C. Therapists

D. Babysitters

23. All of the information but one is needed to make a strong mandatory report. Which does not belong?

A. The name of the child victim.

B. The reason why the perpetrator hurt the victim.

C. The age of the child victim.

D. The specific abuse or neglect concern.

24. Which of the following is a research supported benefit of culturally sensitive care?

A. Clients can bond with their medical team more.

B. Clients will always meet their goals

C. Clients feel seen and heard

D. Clients like their medical team more

25. Culturally sensitive clinicians should do all of the following but one. Which does not belong?

A. Seeks to understand how the client goals relate to culture

B. Listen to information about the culture from people who are not of that specific culture

C. Does not make any assumptions about others or become stuck in stereotypes about culture and race

D. Learns the beliefs and practices of their client’s culture

26. All of the following but one are barriers to being a culturally sensitive clinician. Which does not belong?

A. Fear

B. Lack of preparedness for difficult conversations

C. Lack of patience

D. Overly polite

27. Which of the following statements are true about mental health statistics?

A. Hispanic and Latino children have more access to counseling than white children

B. Hispanic and Latino children have less access to counseling resources than white children

C. 3% of children with diverse backgrounds receive mental health services

D. 1/3 of all mental health disorders over the lifespan occur by mid-teenage years

28. Which of the following Trauma-informed principles is not correct?

A. Safety

B. Trustworthiness and transparency

C. Peer-support

D. Connection

29. Which of the following is one way to reduce harm in behavioral health for minor children patients?

A. Practicing inflexibility so they learn boundaries and rules

B. Teaching and training only the therapy staff

C. Practicing mandatory reporting laws

D. Only making mandatory reports when the abuse or neglect was physically witnessed by the reporter

30. Neutrality can be defined the following ways. Which is not one of those ways?

A. Clients believing that their therapist is not aligned with one single person

B. Therapists not aligning with or against any single person they are working with

C. the art of staying somewhere near the middle line

D. Choosing the side that makes the most sense to the clinician

31. If bias is present then services are __________.

A. Unfair

B. Equitable

C. Fair

D. Based on laws

32. Which of the following is the definition of unconscious bias?

A. “Biased attitude operating within your awareness and control, are difficult to access or be aware of, & influence your action more than conscious biases”

B. “Biased attitude operating outside your awareness and control, are difficult to access or be aware of, & influence your action more than conscious biases”

C. tendency to favor information that aligns with our existing beliefs or attitudes

D. tendency to favor information that aligns with our family beliefs or attitudes

33. Which is the last step in addressing bias in child welfare?

A. Learning about bias

B. Raising consciousness to bias

C. Changing perspectives

D. Welcoming and embracing diversity

34. What is the definition of case consultation?

A. Occurs when therapists have ultimate responsibility for their clients but want guidance and support on how to best support their clients

B. Occurs when therapists do not have ultimate responsibility for their clients but want guidance and support on how to best support their clients

C. Occurs when supervisors are ultimately responsible for the care being provided to clients who see therapists or clinicians under supervisors.

D. Occurs when supervisors are not ultimately responsible for the care being provided to clients who see therapists or clinicians under supervisors.

35. What is the definition of clinical supervision?

A. Occurs when therapists have ultimate responsibility for their clients but want guidance and support on how to best support their clients

B. Occurs when therapists do not have ultimate responsibility for their clients but want guidance and support on how to best support their clients

C. Occurs when supervisors are ultimately responsible for the care being provided to clients who see therapists or clinicians under supervisors.

D. Occurs when supervisors are not ultimately responsible for the care being provided to clients who see therapists or clinicians under supervisors.

36. When is the right age to tell a minor client about their diagnosis?

A. When their parents say they can learn about it

B. As soon as they get it

C. When the clinician believes it is the appropriate time

D. When they turn 18

37. 1 in ____ children has a mental illness.

A. 2

B. 4

C. 5

D. 7

38. What is the definition of trustworthiness and transparency in trauma-informed care?

A. Decisions are made with all of the information being clear between parties with a mutual goal of establishing and maintaining trust

B. Clients and staff feel physically and psychologically safe in the mental health setting and the therapeutic relationship

C. Individuals who have shared experiences are viewed as an important part of the service delivery

D. There is a shared-decision making process without a significant amount of power differences

39. Which of the following is not a warning sign of sexual abuse?

A. Chronic depression

B. Strong focus in school

C. Difficulty walking

D. Complaints of stomachaches

40. Clinical supervision may occur when supervisors are ultimately responsible for?

A. Mental health

B. The care being provided to clients

C. Giving a diagnosis

D. Self compassion

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