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1. A health care professional has questions regarding NNEDLearn. Which of the following informational points of interest should be communicated to the health care professional?
A. NNEDLearn provides community-based organizations an opportunity to learn about substance abuse and the impact of substance abuse on local older adults.
B. NNEDLearn provides community-based organizations an opportunity to learn about substance abuse and the impact of substance abuse on individuals under the age of 21.
C. NNEDLearn provides community-based organizations serving black, indigenous, and other communities of color an opportunity to receive training every five years.
D. NNEDLearn provides community-based organizations serving black, indigenous, and other communities of color an opportunity to receive annual training.
2. Which of the following statements regarding Achieving Whole Health (AWH) is most accurate?
A. AWH is a curriculum-based, interactive, and culturally relevant program that focuses on the homeless.
B. AWH is a curriculum-based, interactive, and culturally relevant program that focuses on an individual’s health and mental health.
C. AWH is a curriculum-based, interactive, and culturally relevant program that focuses on individuals recovering from an opioid use disorder.
D. AWH is a curriculum-based, interactive, and culturally relevant program that focuses on obese individuals under the age of 18.
3. What is the intended audience for AWH?
A. African American men, ages 16 to 20
B. African American men, ages 40 to 65
C. Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders ages 18 to 40
D. Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders of all ages
4. Which of the following best represents a key strategy to the implementation and sustainability of AWH?
A. Community-based organizations should be avoided.
B. Community-based organizations tend to have better success at implementation than coalitions or associations because they have dedicated space and paid staff to run the program.
C. Community-based organizations should focus on treatment for opioid abuse.
D. Community-based organizations should focus on treatment for alcohol use disorder.
5. Which of the following statements regarding Familia Adelante (FA) is most accurate?
A. FA is a psycho-educational, curriculum-based, culturally relevant prevention program focused on helping Latino families manage negative behavioral outcomes associated with stress exposure.
B. FA is a psycho-educational, curriculum-based, culturally relevant prevention program focused on helping Latino individuals manage substance abuse.
C. FA is a psycho-educational, medication-based, culturally relevant prevention program focused on helping Latino individuals manage depression.
D. FA is a psycho-educational, medication-based, culturally relevant prevention program focused on helping Latino individuals manage anxiety.
6. Which of the following best represents a key strategy to the implementation and sustainability of FA?
A. Organizations must have or create linkages to local law enforcement to ensure compliance.
B. Organizations must have or create linkages to schools or other agencies that can identify and referfamilies.
C. Organizations must have experience working with Latino men suffering from depression.
D. Organizations must have experience working with Latino women suffering from depression.
7. Which of the following statements best represents the implementation strategy for FA?
A. The FA program is intended to be delivered to youth and their parents/caregivers in separate but concurrent 90-minute sessions in English or Spanish over 4 weeks in-person or 2 weeks virtually.
B. The FA program is intended to be delivered to youth and their parents/caregivers in separate but concurrent 90-minute sessions in English or Spanish over 8 weeks in-person or 4 weeks virtually.
C. The program is intended to be delivered to youth and their parents/caregivers in separate but concurrent 90-minute sessions in English or Spanish over 12 weeks in-person or 8 weeks virtually.
D. The FA program is intended to be delivered to youth and their parents/caregivers in separate but concurrent 120-minute sessions in English or Spanish over 12 weeks in-person or 8 weeks virtually.
8. A health care professional has questions regarding motivational Interviewing (MI). Which of the following informational points of interest should be communicated to the health care professional?
A. MI should not be used on patients over the age of 65.
B. MI should not be used on patients under the age of 65.
C. MI is an evidence-based, medication-centered practice that guides a style of engaging and communicating with individuals in a respectful manner that empowers them to change by drawing out their negative attitudes.
D. MI is an evidence-based, person-centered practice that guides a style of engaging and communicating with individuals in a respectful manner that empowers them to change by drawing out their capacities and understandings.
9. Which of the following best represent a key strategy to the implementation of MI?
A. Effective use of MI will be dependent on the fidelity of practice and staff’s ability to maintain a reasonable proficiency in delivery.
B. Effective use of MI will be dependent on the fidelity of practice and health care professionals' ability to maintain a reasonable proficiency in delivery, as well as substance abuse monitoring.
C. Effective use of MI will be dependent on patient medication use for depression.
D. Effective use of MI will be dependent on patient medication use for anxiety.
10. Which of the following statements best represents the focus of Preventing Long Term Anger and Aggression in Youth (PLAAY)?
A. PLAAY focuses on using the stress reduction benefits of physical activity and racial socialization to prepare youth to cope with stress and make healthier decisions in conflict situations.
B. PLAAY focuses on using the stress reduction benefits of physical activity and racial socialization to prepare youth to cope with medication use.
C. PLAAY focuses on using the stress reduction benefits of physical activity and racial socialization to prepare youth to cope with medication use and depression.
D. PLAAY focuses on using the stress reduction benefits of physical activity and racial socialization to prepare youth to cope with medication use and anxiety.
11. What is the intended audience for Prime Time Sister Circles (PTSC)?
A. Black women ages 16 to 20
B. Black women ages 21 to 30
C. Black women ages 31 to 39
D. Black women ages 40 to 75
12. Which of the following statements best represents the implementation strategy for PTSC?
A. The PTSC group meets for two hours a week for 4 weeks in community-based settings.
B. The PTSC group meets for two hours a week for 13 weeks in community-based settings.
C. The PTSC group meets for two hours and individuals receive cognitive behavioral therapy.
D. The PTSC group meets for four hours and individuals receive cognitive behavioral therapy.
13. Which of the following best represents a key strategy to the implementation and sustainability of PTSC?
A. The organization must clearly communicate to potential participants that the program focuses on homeless individuals.
B. The organization must clearly communicate to potential participants that the program focuses on substance abuse.
C. The organization must clearly communicate to potential participants that the program is a weight loss program.
D. The organization must clearly communicate to potential participants the rationale of the programas well as the expectations about what the program is and is not so that they understand theprogram is not a weight loss program, but one that will help them make healthierchoices in general.
14. Which of the following statements regarding Project Venture (PV) is most accurate?
A. PV is an evidence-based, culturally relevant substance abuse program for individuals over the age of 18.
B. PV is an evidence-based, culturally relevant substance abuse program for individuals over the age of 21.
C. PV is an evidence-based, culturally relevant, outdoors experiential youth development program aimed at increasing the resilience of American Indian/Alaska Native youth.
D. PV is an evidence-based, culturally relevant, development program aimed at increasing the resilience of American Indian/Alaska Native older adults.
15. Which of the following statements best represents the implementation strategy for PV?
A. PV is a yearlong program that meets in school, after school, weekends, school breaks, and summers.
B. PV is a two month program that meets in school, after school, weekends, school breaks, and summers.
C. PV is a 12-week program that meets in local settings.
D. PV is a 14-week program that meets in local settings.
16. A health care professional has questions regarding the lessons learned from NNEDLearn programs/practices. Which of the following informational points of interest should be communicated to the health care professional?
A. Programs should not be moved to a virtual format due to COVID-19.
B. With programs moved to a virtual format in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, a fewalumni noted ongoing challenges to keep participants engaged at the same level as in-person groups.
C. With programs moved to a virtual format in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, alumni noted that substance abuse levels rose among female individuals.
D. With programs moved to a virtual format in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, alumni noted that substance abuse levels rose among male individuals.
17. Which of the following statements regarding the lessons learned from NNEDLearn programs/practices is most accurate?
A. Programs should focus on measuring and tracking outcomes related to opioid abuse.
B. Programs should focus on measuring and tracking outcomes related to alcohol use disorder.
C. Measuring and tracking outcomes is an important part of implementation success and sustainability.
D. Measuring and tracking outcomes, typically, does not impact the success and sustainability of a program.
18. Which of the following best represents a conclusion made about NNEDLearn?
A. The four components of the training model provided the support alumni needed to employ the common strategies of becoming grounded in the program/practice theoretical foundation, determining how it aligned with their organization, gaining support from decision makers, tracking outcomes, and making the right level of adjustments to meet the specific needs of their participants.
B. The four components of the training model provided the support alumni needed to employ the common strategies of becoming grounded in the program/practice theoretical foundation, dispensing medications, and engaging in MI.
C. The four components of the training model provided the support alumni needed to employ the common strategies of becoming grounded in the program/practice theoretical foundation, dispensing medications, engaging in MI, and monitoring substance abuse.
D. The four components of the training model did not provide the support alumni needed.
19. Which of the following best represents a PLAAY youth outcome?
A. PLAAY effectively identified youth in need of disciplinary action.
B. School based PLAAY afforded student participants academic credit.
C. PLAAY effectively identified youth suffering from depression.
D. PLAAY effectively identified youth suffering from anxiety.
20. Which of the following best represents a future consideration for NNEDLearn?
A. Cognitive behavioral therapy training must be required.
B. Substance abuse counseling training must be required.
C. Provision of ongoing technical assistance for alumni is not needed.
D. Provision of ongoing technical assistance for alumni may be needed beyond the structuredcoaching sessions.
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