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Quantum Units Education®

Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Programs for Youth

Executive Summary

1. Grantees operating outside of schools tended to:

A. Have less flexibility

B. Provide fewer incentives

C. Be more successful at reaching at-risk populations of youth

D. Have more rules

2. All of the following were programming goals mentioned most frequently by youth-serving HMRE grantees, except:

A. Preventing unplanned pregnancies

B. Promoting healthy romantic relationships

C. Preventing violence and abuse

D. Improving skills in the areas of conflict management, communication, and financial management


3. By helping young people develop key skills to form healthy relationships, they may do better in school and avoid delinquency, pregnancy, and dating violence on the way to adulthood.

A. True

B. False

4. Research finds that programs are most effective when they are tailored to:

A. Youth in foster care

B. Those in the juvenile justice system

C. Runaways and the homeless

D. Cultural needs


5. The majority of 2011 grantees that served primarily youth were:

A. Nonprofit organizations

B. Educational organizations

C. Small businesses

D. For-profit organizations

6. Staff from school-based grantee programs noted that they opted to partner with community-based organizations to:

A. Reach more youth.

B. Provide services not covered by in-school programming.

C. Give the organizations and their programming more visibility and legitimacy.

D. Staff from school-based grantee programs noted that they opted to partner with community-based organizations to reach more youth, provide services not covered by in-school programming, and give the organizations and their programming more visibility and legitimacy.

7. Grantees that brought in their own trained facilitators to deliver HMRE programming in schools felt that these facilitators delivered the programming more effectively than school teachers.

A. True

B. False

8. All of the following are challenges of implementing programming in school-based settings, except:

A. Rules can hinder program implementation

B. Program space unwelcoming to youth

C. Overcrowding

D. Reaching parenting youth and other vulnerable populations

9. On average, in school-based settings:

A. Youth met once a week for 16 weeks.

B. Each session lasted just under 60 minutes.

C. Each session served 20 youth per session.

D. Make-up sessions were always offered.

10. Very few of the grantees working predominantly with high-school-aged youth addressed topics like parenting and co-parenting, improving general social skills, and reducing risky sexual behavior.

A. True

B. False

11. Which of the following topics was addressed by the largest proportion of grantees?

A. Attitudes and beliefs about healthy romantic relationships.

B. Violence and abuse prevention.

C. Sexual activity.

D. Parenting / co-parenting.

12. Over half of directors and facilitators reported addressing all topics onsite, except for:

A. Financial management

B. Education goals

C. Career goals

D. Housing

13. Which of the following were the two topics most commonly noted as a major focus of the session?

A. Extended family relationships and social skills

B. Communication and healthy romantic relationships

C. Education goals and career goals

D. Financial management and communication

14. Most grantees agreed that there was opposition from their communities to teaching HMRE topics.

A. True

B. False

15. Grantees from both school-based and non-school-based settings said that making youth feel welcome was an important part of their engagement strategy.

A. True

B. False

16. Compared to school-based settings, grantees in non-school-based settings were more likely to provide all of the following as engagement and retention strategies, except for:

A. Gift cards

B. Leadership opportunities

C. Transportation

D. Food

17. What was the most common reason that grantees used technology?

A. Program retention

B. Program implementation

C. Program recruitment

D. Program reminders

18. All grantees reported that facilitators received at least _____ of program-specific training.

A. 1 hour

B. 10 hours

C. 20 hours

D. 30 hours

19. All of the following were among the most common training topics, except:

A. Program content

B. Program delivery

C. Group facilitation

D. Communicating with schools and other community partners

20. Grantee project directors reported that their facilitators were most in need of training on:

A. Communicating with families

B. Communicating with schools and other community providers

C. Providing youth with leadership opportunities

D. Establishing professional boundaries

21. The majority of the youth served were:

A. Male

B. 14 to 17 years of age

C. African American / Black

D. High-school graduates

22. Most grantees served a majority of youth in a relationship at the time of the program.

A. True

B. False

23. The most frequently reported curricula implemented by grantees was:

A. How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk / Premarital Interpersonal Choices & Knowledge

B. Love U2

C. Connections

D. PREP Within Our Reach / Within My Reach

24. Youth from all of the 2011 observed grantees were:

A. Provided opportunities for youth to take a leadership role.

B. Given the opportunity to ask questions about session topics or other issues related to the session.

C. Allowed to make choices regarding session activities.

D. Encouraged to consider how they could make a difference in their communities.

Conclusions and Recommendations

25. Explicitly teaching skill-building is important because it helps youth translate lesson ideas into real-life changes.

A. True

B. False

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