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1. Which of the following is true about the distinctions between human trafficking and human smuggling?
A. Human trafficking does not require the crossing of international or state borders, while human smuggling does.
B. Human smuggling involves the exploitation of people for labor or sexual purposes, while human trafficking involves providing a service to get people into a country illegally.
C. Human trafficking always involves consent from the victims, while human smuggling does not.
D. Human smuggling does not end upon arrival at the destination, while human trafficking does.
2. In healthcare settings, which of the following is a red flag that may indicate a person is a victim of human trafficking?
A. The patient is always alone during their appointments.
B. The patient shows signs of independence, having control over their money and identification papers.
C. The patient reports needing to update a spouse, friend, or significant other on the progress of their healthcare appointment.
D. The patient expresses confidence and detailed knowledge about their job and work conditions.
3. What is a primary difference between the types of human trafficking as defined by the United States Trafficking Victims Protection Act?
A. Sex trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to recruit someone for labor tasks.
B. Labor trafficking involves inducing, recruiting, or transporting a person for the purpose of commercial sex acts.
C. Sex trafficking involves a commercial sex act induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or when the person is under 18 years old.
D. Labor trafficking involves voluntary participation in labor activities for exploitation.
4. Which of the following is a characteristic of domestic workers that makes them particularly vulnerable to exploitation and labor trafficking?
A. They generally have high literacy levels and strong bargaining power.
B. They typically work in highly regulated environments with frequent governmental inspections.
C. They often find employment through informal word-of-mouth referrals or online channels.
D. They rarely live with their employers, allowing for clear work boundaries and independence.
5. Which of the following indicators should a healthcare provider look for to assess whether a minor is at risk of being sex-trafficked?
A. The minor has a trusted family member present at all appointments.
B. The minor never had any involvement with law enforcement.
C. The minor has a history of sexual activity with multiple partners and has had a sexually transmitted infection.
D. The minor has lived in a stable, long-term residential care facility with access to supportive services.
6. Which of the following statements is a correct description of labor trafficking as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000?
A. The recruitment, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through voluntary agreement for the purpose of servitude.
B. The recruitment, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of involuntary servitude.
C. The recruitment, harboring, transportation, or obtaining of a person for domestic work through voluntary agreement for the purpose of servitude.
D. The recruitment, harboring, provided, or obtaining of a person for services through coercion and without the inclusion of force or fraud for servitude.
7. Which screening tool is specifically designed for use with youth who are experiencing homelessness?
A. Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT)
B. Human Trafficking and Assessment Measure (HTIAM-14)
C. Quick Youth Indicators for Trafficking (QYIT)
D. Short Screen for Child Sex Trafficking (SSCST)
8. When identifying victims of human trafficking in a healthcare setting, what is a recommended strategy to avoid re-traumatization?
A. Assuming control of the situation to quickly remove the client from danger
B. Using a trauma-informed approach that prioritizes the survivor's safety, choice, and control
C. Only involving law enforcement without discussing with the patient
D. Focusing solely on the physical health needs and ignoring personal history
9. Which of the following indicators may be used to recognize potential child sex trafficking victims in a healthcare setting?
A. History of frequent medical visits for non-specific complaints
B. Multiple scars or unexplained injuries, trauma to the genital area
C. Child presenting with an older adult who is overly controlling
D. All of the above options could be potential indicators
10. What is a crucial initial step when creating a human trafficking protocol for a healthcare setting, according to the HEAL Protocols Initiative?
A. Training all staff on general healthcare procedures
B. Implementing emergency medical protocols for critical care
C. Meeting with the institution’s privacy officer to understand PHI, HIPAA, and reporting procedures
D. Hiring additional security personnel to handle potential violent incidents
11. Which of the following factors does not play a role in identifying victims of human trafficking in healthcare settings?
A. Imminent danger of the patient or staff
B. Confidentiality and HIPAA considerations
C. Conducting risk assessments
D. Mandatory reporting laws
12. What is the primary distinction between 'trauma-informed care' and 'trauma-specific services'?
A. Trauma-informed care is for addressing organizational culture, while trauma-specific services are clinical interventions for specific trauma symptoms.
B. Trauma-specific services address organizational culture, while trauma-informed care involves direct treatment of PTSD symptoms.
C. Trauma-informed care refers to individual therapy sessions, and trauma-specific services refer to group sessions.
D. Trauma-specific services focus on prevention, while trauma-informed care focuses on diagnosing PTSD.
13. Which indicator is not directly related to identifying adult trafficking victims in healthcare settings?
A. Frequent change of address or numerous relocations
B. Presence of an older protective companion who answers for the patient
C. Multiple traumatic injuries and untreated medical conditions
D. Securing confidential data in a locked file cabinet
14. Which factor best summarises the HIPAA regulations allowing healthcare professionals to report human trafficking?
A. Healthcare professionals can disclose protected health information without limitations.
B. Mandated reporting and preventing imminent danger are conditional exclusions under HIPAA.
C. Health professionals need a court order to report any case of suspected human trafficking.
D. Healthcare professionals cannot disclose any patient information under HIPAA.
15. Which type of evidence-based therapy includes techniques such as cognitive reframing and rapid eye movements as part of its protocol?
A. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
B. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
C. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
D. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
16. Which of the following is a key aspect to consider when identifying human trafficking victims in healthcare settings?
A. The presence of multiple unexplained injuries.
B. Frequent visits for chronic illnesses with inconsistencies in explanations.
C. Avoidance of eye contact and being accompanied by a controlling third party.
D. All of the above.
17. In discussing ethical language use in human trafficking cases, why is it important to avoid terms like 'prostitutes' and 'slavery'?
A. They simplify the complexity of human trafficking cases and may build rapport with victims.
B. They could inadvertently stigmatize the victim and misrepresent the nature of the trafficking.
C. They primarily focus on physical restraints which are absent in some human trafficking cases.
D. They align the cases too much with criminal behavior, hindering potential legal proceedings.
18. What is a recommended prevention advocacy step for LGBTQ+ youth to reduce vulnerability to trafficking?
A. Building a specialized LGBTQ+ center that includes employment and legal services.
B. Empowering local schools to provide regular sex education.
C. Developing robust online resources and support groups.
D. Creating emergency shelters exclusively for LGBTQ+ youth.
19. When considering complementary and integrative health practices for human trafficking survivors, what is a significant benefit of Transcendental Meditation (TM®)?
A. Targeting physical symptoms like chronic pain through guided breathing.
B. Promoting emotional and mental stress relief through restorative rest.
C. Focusing on improving cardiovascular health through physical activity.
D. Directly addressing trauma by having group support sessions.
20. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, what has been the role of acupuncture in helping human trafficking victims?
A. It serves as an immediate method to address acute injuries.
B. It integrates into trauma recovery programs to promote balance and health.
C. It is primarily used to regulate and reduce substance dependencies.
D. It acts as a non-verbal communication method for therapy.
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