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Quantum Units Education®

Implementing Drug Abuse Treatment in Criminal Justice Settings


1. Due to structural, financial, ____________ and other barriers, delivery of effective drug abuse treatment services is especially lacking in the U.S. criminal justice system, where half of all incarcerated persons meet the need for drug abuse or dependence, yet few receive needed care.

A. Jurisdictional

B. Philosophical

C. Organizational

D. Ethical

Opportunities for Drug Abuse Implementation Science in Criminal Justice Settings

2. Experts recommend the implementation of evidence-based strategies so that organizations can fully integrate treatment services for drug-involved individuals under criminal justice supervision, in a manner that respects and supports dual goals of public health and public safety.

A. True

B. False

Articles in this Collection

3. Each of the following is an accurate statement about the Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies (CJ-DATS) EXCEPT:

A. The CJ-DATS projects reflect the research challenges and practical constraints of effecting change within large bureaucratic structures such as the U.S. criminal justice system

B. The studies examine one or more implementation outcomes such as feasibility, fidelity, penetration, acceptability, sustainability, uptake, and/or costs as well as service outcomes

C. All of the studies are guided by the Plan, Educate, Restructure, and Quality Management conceptual framework in terms of measuring key outcome domains

D. Ultimately, the critical question is whether these implementation strategies result in lasting changes to agency practices, and in the delivery of evidence-based drug treatment services to offenders re-entering the community

Implementing Linkages to Medication-Assisted Treatment

4. When assisting drug-involved offenders in community corrections agencies, the objective is to leverage treatment services that are specifically designed to help this population but that do not already exist in the community, and to promote the delivery of these services within the probation or parole setting.

A. True

B. False

Cross-Study Measures and Outcomes

5. In addition to collecting general and protocol specific surveys, conducting key informant interviews, and abstracting administrative data, researchers collect client-level data when possible to inform site decisions about service needs and to provide the criminal justice partner agencies with valuable insights into client outcomes.

A. True

B. False


6. Findings from these studies are expected to yield scalable implementation strategies that can increase availability, access, _________________ of health care services for offender populations, thereby improving both public safety and public health.

A. Promotion and variety

B. Allotment and transmission

C. Prioritization and commitment

D. Delivery and quality

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