Instructions: Print this exam worksheet. Return to the course page using the link below. Read the course material. Enter your answers on this worksheet. Return to the course page and click the link 'Take Test.' Transfer your answers.
1. How many Americans have tried marijuana at least once?
A. 46 million
B. Over 90 million
C. Over 106 million
D. 112 million
2. The short name for the active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, in marijuana is _____________.
3. In 2011 the use of marijuana among 12th graders exceeded the use of ________ for the first time.
A. Asprin
C. Cigarettes
D. Alcohol
4. THC mimics a naturally occuring brain chemical called ________.
A. Thalimide
B. Oxytocin
C. Anandamide
D. Dopamine
5. Marijuana's acute effects in the intoxication phase include all but which of the following?
A. Euphoria
B. Hallucinations
C. Calmness
D. Appetite stimulation
E. Altered perception of time
6. According to this paper, the risks of long-term marijuana use include:
A. Academic failure and low professional achievement
B. Mental health problems
C. Homelessness
D. A and B above
E. A, B and C above
7. According to one study summarized in this paper, how often people between the ages of 14 and 21 use marijuana is strongly correlated with later life outcomes such as unemployment and welfare dependence. .
A. True
B. False
8. A study by Caspi, et al., Biological Psychiatry quoted in this paper adolescent use of marijuana increases the risk of _________ in genetically vulnerable individuals.
A. Heart attacks
B. Adult psychosis
C. Early dementia
D. Liver disease
9. According to a study by Anthony, et al. Expiremental Clinical Psychopharmacology quoted in this paper, what percent of marijuana users may become dependent?
A. Over 30%
B. About 15%
C. Just under 10%
D. 5%
10. According to this paper, marijuana addiction is linked to a withdrawal syndrome that includes which of the following symptoms?
A. Irritability
B. Sleeping difficulties
C. Craving
D. Anxiety
E. All of the above
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