Instructions: Print this exam worksheet. Return to the course page using the link below. Read the course material. Enter your answers on this worksheet. Return to the course page and click the link 'Take Test.' Transfer your answers.
1. Models of intervention that address fathers directly have the potential to reduce the burden of child protection on mothers.
A. True
B. False
2. Based on many years of clinical experience, batterer fathers are described as:
A. Being hostile, demanding, and entitled men.
B. Generally controlling towards both their partners and their children.
C. Having rigid and unreasonable rules, little patience, high expectations, and as using strict and often abusive means to ensure child compliance.
D. All of the above.
3. Which of the following is the most common profile of men who have been violent in their families?
A. Emotionally disconnected
B. Physically disconnected
C. Reasonably healthy and connected
D. All of the above are equally common
4. Fathers who batter almost always ascribe great importance to being good fathers who are able to protect their children and who contribute to educating and molding their children’s characters.
A. True
B. False
5. Guidelines for program content include the need to do all of the following, except:
A. Teach men about the impact of their abuse on their partners’ parenting and on mothers’ connections with their children.
B. Help men avoid and cease disrespectful and abusive conflict with children’s mothers.
C. Promote men’s reflection on intergenerational patters of violence in their families.
D. Prompt men to take responsibility for ending their contributions to drawn-out conflicts over parenting.
6. A major aim is to help fathers develop a fundamentally more “child-centered” view of fathering. To do this, the program should focus on which of the following activities?
A. Learning about children’s developmental capabilities and limitations.
B. Increasing men’s tolerance for child misbehavior.
C. Enhancing the amount of nurturing time and attention fathers give their children.
D. All of the above.
7. All of the following operational guidelines should be utilized to monitor and reduce risk to potential victims of men’s abuse, except:
A. Programs should directly acknowledge that it may not be advisable for some fathers to have contact with their children.
B. Men’s involvement in programs should be predicated on an understanding that their participation will increase their chances of contact with their children.
C. When there are converging concerns about men, programs should be prepared to help fathers understand and cooperate with limits placed on their contact with their children.
D. Programs should avoid direct or indirect advocating for men’s increased contact or access to their children when it is against the wishes of their children’s mothers.
8. In all cases, assessment should suggest that men should complete batterer intervention prior to a program addressing fathering.
A. True
B. False
9. “Mature” agencies are those:
A. With an agency-wide commitment to engaging fathers.
B. Whose staff all understand the potential positive and negative impact of fathers on their children’s development.
C. Who routinely consider and involve fathers in intervention planning and who view fathers and mothers as equally important targets of intervention.
D. All of the above.
10. It is recommended that programs are staffed by fathers from within the same cultural group or from similar living environments as program participants, so that facilitators have an understanding of the models of fatherhood and challenges to fathers that are most relevant to their clients.
A. True
B. False
11. Mandating treatment is associated with lower treatment efficacy, increased dropout rates, and decreased compliance.
A. True
B. False
12. All of the following are advantages of criminal court-based refers, except for:
A. The clear mandate of men to intervention.
B. The capacity to integrate planning with child protection and mental health services and ensure that intervening with men as fathers is in the best interest of their children.
C. Existing protocols for risk assessment and management.
D. Attention to safety of women as a traditional component of practice with men who batter.
13. Community-based recruitment has the significant advantage of:
A. Potentially reaching fathers early in the development of problems.
B. Being fairly efficient.
C. Not being labor intensive.
D. All of the above.
14. An ideal program would be based on a clear and replicable program model and would be all of the following, except:
A. Include both group and individual components.
B. Last for a period of at least six months.
C. Facilitators hired for the program would be experienced and culturally competent, would receive training and supervision, and would have a clear understanding of the program theory and intervention model.
D. Include activities targeting both behavioral and attitudinal components of parenting.
15. Interventions for men who batter should include exercises to:
A. Identify and address instances and patterns of men’s use of anger to gain control or compliance.
B. Target distorted patterns of thinking using cognitive-behavioral methods.
C. Teach men skills for recognizing and reducing levels of angry arousal.
D. All of the above.
16. For men who have abused their partners and for parents who have maltreated their children, which of the following is a good predictor of re-assault?
A. Substance abuse
B. A mental health disorder
C. Treatment dropout
D. All of the above
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