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1. Which form of IPV can be perpetrated electronically through mobile devices and social media sites, as well as, in person?
A. Psychological aggression
B. Coercive tactics
C. Stalking
D. All of the above
2. Data from NISVS indicate that the lifetime prevalence of experiencing IPV is highest among:
A. Multi-racial women
B. Bisexual women
C. Gay men
D. American Indian / Alaska Native men
3. Data from NISVS demonstrate that IPV often begins in adolescence.
A. True
B. False
4. Research indicates that IPV is most prevalent in adolescence and young adulthood and then begins to decline with age.
A. True
B. False
5. Which of the following is a factor that puts individuals at risk for perpetrating IPV?
A. Age
B. Low income
C. Low educational attainment
D. All of the above
6. All of the following protective factors have been identified to be associated with lower chances of perpetrating or experiencing TDV, except for:
A. High empathy
B. Positive relationship with one’s father
C. Good grades
D. Attachment to school
7. Which of the following are more likely to perpetrate IPV?
A. Children who are exposed to IPV between their parents or caregivers.
B. Individuals who experience abuse and neglect as children.
C. Adolescents who engage in bullying or peer violence.
D. All of the above.
8. IPV survivors are at higher risk for engaging in health risk behaviors, such as:
A. Smoking
B. Binge drinking
C. HIV risk behaviors
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following is critical to a primary prevention approach to the problem of IPV?
A. Fostering expectations for healthy relationships.
B. Teaching healthy relationship skills.
C. Both (A) and (B).
D. None of the above.
10. The evidence suggests that acceptance of partner violence, poor emotional regulation and conflict management, and poor communication skills put individuals at risk for both perpetration and victimization of IPV.
A. True
B. False
11. Research shows that strengthening social-emotional, conflict management, and communication skills can reduce:
A. Substance abuse
B. Sexual risk behavior
C. Delinquency
D. All of the above
12. Successful _____ not only teach skills for safe and healthy relationships but also offer multiple opportunities to practice and reinforce these skills.
A. Social-emotional learning programs for youth
B. Healthy relationship programs for couples
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
13. Programs that seek to engage influential adults and peers in promoting positive relationship expectations and condemning violent and unhealthy relationship behaviors among adolescents and young adults are critical to the prevention of IPV.
A. True
B. False
14. Which of the following types of approaches attempt to promote social norms that are protective against violence and empower and encourage people to intervene to prevent violence when they see it?
A. Men and boys as allies in prevention.
B. Bystander empowerment and education.
C. Family-based programs.
D. All of the above.
15. Findings from several longitudinal studies indicate that most of the factors associated with perpetrating violence against intimate partners is not evident until after adolescence.
A. True
B. False
16. Approaches for interrupting the developmental pathways contributing to partner violence include those that address:
A. Early childhood environments
B. Parenting skills
C. Supports to prevent future involvement in violence
D. All of the above
17. Which of the following programs is designed to build a strong foundation for future learning and healthy development, and to lower the risks for future behavioral problems?
A. Preschool enrichment with family engagement programs
B. Early childhood home visitation programs
C. Treatment for at-risk children, youth, and families programs
D. Parenting skill and family relationship programs
18. For families at high-risk for conflict and child behavior problems, group administration yields greater benefits than tailored delivery to individual families.
A. True
B. False
19. Which programs are intended to mitigate the consequences of exposure to child abuse and neglect, and prevent the continuation and escalation of violence into adulthood including abuse directed toward partners and one’s own children?
A. Preschool enrichment with family engagement programs
B. Early childhood home visitation programs
C. Treatment for at-risk children, youth, and families programs
D. Parenting skill and family relationship programs
20. Multiple evaluations of EHS demonstrate significant program impacts on which risk factor for IPV among participants relative to comparison groups?
A. Fewer child welfare encounters
B. Fewer reports of substantiated physical or sexual abuse
C. Better cognitive and language development
D. All of the above
21. Approaches that work to foster a broader social and physical environment that improves safety, social connections, and awareness of IPV can help create a climate that supports prevention of violence against intimate partners.
A. True
B. False
22. Community-level approaches for creating protective environments against the perpetration of partner violence include efforts to:
A. Improve school climate and safety.
B. Improve organizational policies and workplace climate.
C. Modify the physical and social environments of neighborhoods.
D. All of the above.
23. Which approach addresses aspects that increase the risk of IPV, including alcohol outlet density, physical disorder and decay, and social disorder?
A. Improve school climate and safety.
B. Improve organizational policies and workplace climate.
C. Modify the physical and social environments of neighborhoods.
D. All of the above.
24. Exposure to neighborhood violence is a risk factor for IPV.
A. True
B. False
25. Signs of neighborhood disorder may lead people, including potential perpetrators, to believe that consequences for IPV perpetration, such as police intervention, are less likely.
A. True
B. False
26. The prevention effects on _____ is important because peer violence is an empirically established risk factor for later TDV perpetration.
A. Sexual violence perpetration by peers
B. Sexual harassment perpetration
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
27. Researchers have found that all of the following levels of mental fatigue are significantly higher in buildings next to barren areas and that aggression accompanies mental fatigue, except for:
A. Inattentiveness
B. Hopelessness
C. Irritability
D. Impulsivity
28. Research has shown that green space in urban communities has been linked to:
A. Higher levels of neighborhood collective efficacy.
B. Reductions in violent crime.
C. Both (A) and (B).
D. None of the above.
29. The number of locations where alcohol can be purchased has not been linked to higher rates of IPV.
A. True
B. False
30. Studies show that gender inequality of all of the following are risk factors for IPV, except for:
A. Household responsibilities
B. Education
C. Employment
D. Income
31. Research on tax credits shows that they can help lift families out of poverty, which is a risk factor for IPV, and are associated with long-term education and health benefits to recipients and their children.
A. True
B. False
32. Research demonstrates which of the following about paid maternity leave?
A. Women with paid maternity leave are more likely to maintain their current employment with the same employer after the birth of a child.
B. Women who take maternity leave and delay return to work after the birth of a child have more depressive symptoms than those who return to work earlier.
C. Both (A) and (B).
D. None of the above.
33. Which of the following is associated with IPV?
A. Long-term negative health outcomes, including HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, chronic pain, gastrointestinal and neurological disorders, substance abuse, depression and anxiety, PTSD, eating and sleeping disorders, chronic diseases, suicide, and homicide.
B. Unplanned pregnancy, preterm birth, low birth weight, and decreased gestational age.
C. Housing instability and homelessness.
D. All of the above.
34. Victims of abuse can be denied housing based on an individual’s status as a victim of abuse and leases may be terminated as a result of violence.
A. True
B. False
35. Which of the following address survivors’ immediate and long-term needs and safety?
A. Victim-centered services
B. First responder and civil legal protections
C. Housing programs
D. Patient-centered approaches
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