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Suicide Prevention in High Schools


1. Which of the following is an accurate statement about suicide and young people?  

A. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among teenagers

B. One out of every 106 high school students (3.8 percent) reported having made a suicide attempt that was serious enough to be treated by a doctor or a nurse

C. For each suicide death among young people, there may be as many as 100–200 suicide attempts

D. Approximately 1 out of every 25 high school students attempts suicide each year

How Schools Can Help Prevent Suicide

2. A suicide prevention program for high schools should include protocols for helping at risk students, staff education and training, and:

A. Protocols for responding to a suicide

B. Parent and student education

C. Screening

D. All of the above

Chapter 1: Getting Started

3. Suicide prevention experts agree that a comprehensive school-based suicide prevention program should be built on a foundation that responds to the most serious issues faced by students and the school.

A. True

B. False

Bring People Together to Start the Planning Process

4. When engaging school staff to begin the planning process for suicide prevention, it is important to include people with mental health expertise.

A. True

B. False

Suicide Prevention: Facts for Schools

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the four highlighted reasons that schools should address suicide?

A. Maintaining a safe school environment is part of a school’s overall mission

B. Students’ mental health can affect their academic performance

C. Research has indicated that schoolwide suicide prevention practices have significantly lowered suicide attempts and completions

D. A student suicide can significantly impact other students and the entire school community

Tool 1.D: Risk and Protective Factors and Warning Signs Factsheets

6. Risk factors for suicide refer to any indications that someone may be in danger of suicide, either immediately or in the near future.

A. True

B. False

7. Family characteristics that may contribute to youth suicide include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Parental mental health problems, divorce, or death

B. Lack of safety and security in the home environment

C. Family history of suicide or suicidal behavior

D. Problems in parent-child relationship

Protective Factors for Youth Suicide

8. The ability to perceive, integrate into thoughts, understand, and manage one’s emotions is known as an adaptable temperament.

A. True

B. False

Recognizing and Responding to Warning Signs for Suicide

9. It should be considered an emergency that requires immediate action if someone is threatening to hurt or kill themselves, someone is looking for ways to kill themselves or if someone is talking or writing about death, dying, or suicide and these actions are out of the ordinary for the person.

A. True

B. False

Tool 1E-Data on Youth Suicide

10. The greatest number of suicides for 13-24 year olds occur among American Indian/Alaska Natives followed by Hispanics.

A. True

B. False

11. Recent data indicate that the leading methods by which young people ages 13-19 took their own life were suffocation (including hanging) and the use of a firearm. 

A. True

B. False

Tool 1.G: Suicide and Bullying Information Sheet

12. Many children who are bullied have personal characteristics that increase their risk of victimization and suicide including internalizing problems, low self-esteem, low assertiveness, and:

A. Aggressiveness in early childhood

B. Poor peer interactions

C. Depression and withdrawal

D. Poor coping skills

Tool 1.H: The Implications of Culture on Suicide Prevention Information Sheet

13. Culture influences how young people respond to events that escalate risk and trigger suicide attempts, so in cultures where peer influence is strong, the suicide of a friend or schoolmate may provoke a “copycat” suicide.

A. True

B. False

Chapter 2: Protocols for Helping Students at Risk of Suicide-Steps to Develop

14. Schools should clearly designate at least one individual and one alternate who will serve as the points of contact for anyone in the building who is concerned that a student may be at risk.

A. True

B. False

Develop a Protocol to Help Students at Risk for Suicide

15. The protocol to help those students who have been identified as at risk for suicide should include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Assessing suicide risk and notifying parents

B. Providing a detailed report of the incident and suicide history and risk to all staff who come in contact with the student

C. Referring to a mental health provider

D. Documenting the process

Tool 2.B.1: Suicide Risk Assessment Resources

16. The _________________ is an assessment tool to evaluate student suicide risk that is also available in Spanish.

A. Suicide Ideation Questionnaire

B. Suicide Probability Scale

C. Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation

D. Inventory of Suicide Orientation

Tool 2.B.2: Self-Injury and Suicide Risk Information Sheet

17. The relationship between self-injury and suicide is complicated, but most researchers believe self-injury is a behavior that is associated with and connected to suicide.

A. True

B. False

Tool 2.B.3 Guidelines for Notifying Parents

18. Parents must be provided with the contact information of mental health service providers in the community, as the mental health professional is likely the most valuable prevention resource available to the suicidal adolescent.

A. True

B. False

19. The strongest predictor of suicide is:

A. A prior attempt

B. A history of indirect self destructive behaviors

C. Having a concrete plan

D. Repeated suicidal ideation over the past six months

Tool 2.C: Protocol for Responding to a Student Suicide Attempt

20. After the immediate crisis has been resolved, the Student Risk Response Coordinator should make a plan to follow up with the parents and student regarding arrangements for medical and/or mental health services.

A. True

B. False

21. When a student returns to school after a suicide attempt or mental health crisis, school staff should modify the student’s schedule and course load to relieve stress and arrange tutoring from peers or teachers if needed.

A. True

B. False

22. If a student is hospitalized after a suicide attempt, with the parent's permission, a school representative may visit the student and be a part of treatment planning meetings and the hospital discharge conference.

A. True

B. False

Chapter 3-After A Suicide

23. A process by which the suicide or suicidal behavior of one or more persons influences others to commit or attempt suicide is known as:

A. Suicide contagion

B. Suicide endemic

C. Suicide miasma

D. Suicide affection

24. Groups of related suicides, called suicide clusters, account for approximately 4-5 percent of all adolescent suicides in the United States.

A. True

B. False

25. Suicide risk among other vulnerable young people may be raised under each of the following circumstances EXCEPT:

A. Unintentionally glamorizing a youth who died by suicide

B. Suggesting that the death was caused by a single problem such as breaking up with a girlfriend or boyfriend

C. Providing a detailed description of how a youth died

D. Encouraging students to use social media to share stories and exchange information

Why is it Important to Develop Protocols for Responding to a Suicide?

26. After a suicide, staff members will also experience their own grief while responding to the emotional needs of others, and they will need to have access to help and resources.

A. True

B. False

Step 3: Create a Protocol for Your School’s Immediate Response to a Suicide

27. The procedure for deciding when to implement the protocol for the school's immediate response to a suicide should be based on:

A. The experience and comfort level of the staff

B. School and district policy

C. The nature of the event

D. None of the above

Step 5: Create a Protocol for the Long-Term Response to a Suicide

28. Experts suggest that it may be helpful in the weeks or months after a suicide to memorialize the deceased student in a yearbook or at graduation.

A. True

B. False

Tool 3.A.1 Sample Script for Office Staff

29. After a suicide crisis, the school may be notified about others who may be at risk, and these calls should be immediately referred to outside mental health agencies.

A. True

B. False

Tool 3.A.3: Guidelines for Working with the Family

30. One or two school staff members should visit the home following a suicide to offer condolences and share information, while respecting cultural and religious traditions of the family.

A. True

B. False

Tool 3.A.7: Talking Points for Students and Staff after a Suicide

31. Which of the following is NOT one of the talking points that is recommended after a suicide?

A. Give accurate information, including a gentle but truthful description of the method

B. Address blaming and scapegoating

C. Discuss anger and feelings of responsibility

D. Encourage help-seeking

Tool 3.A.8: Guidelines for Memorialization

32. Spontaneous memorials such as collections of objects and notes are often a positive reminder of the student and provide comfort to friends and peers and should therefore be encouraged.

A. True

B. False

Tool 3.A.9: Guidelines for Working with the Media

33. School officials should provide a statement to media representatives that acknowledges the death of the student, expresses the school's sympathy, and:

A. Summarizes the school's policy on student and staff interviews

B. Provides information about the school's previous experience with suicide

C. Discusses the school's postvention policy and program

D. None of the above

Chapter 4-Step 3:Train Staff to Identify Suicide Risk Factors and Warning Signs Among Students and to Take Appropriate Action

34. Training all school staff may save lives because staff interact with students on a regular basis and can look for warning signs, and because students may turn to them for help for themselves or if they are worried about a classmate.

A. True

B. False

35. Mental health trainings that reduce a person's suicide risk by talking with him or her, keep a person at imminent risk of suicide safe, and facilitate referrals to increase the likelihood of receiving professional help are referred to as:

A. Crisis-reduction trainings

B. Contingency trainings

C. Help-seeking trainings

D. Gatekeeper trainings

Step 4. Train Mental Health Staff to Assess Suicide Risk in Individual Students

36. Although it is preferred that professionals with some background in mental health assessments be trained to assess suicide risk, it is not a requirement.

A. True

B. False

Staff Education and Training Programs

37. Lifelines is a suicide prevention training program that is designed to assist school personnel as well as parents and other adults who work with youth.

A. True

B. False

Chapter 5: Parent/Guardian Education and Outreach

38. Providing parents with suicide prevention information is important because the education that students receive is more effective when it is reinforced by the same messages and information at home.

A. True

B. False

Step 3: Identify Ways to Increase Participation Among Parents at Events and Activities

39. Effective parent education programs need to target parents' needs, concerns, and:

A. Priorities

B. Cultures

C. Values

D. Interests

Suicide Prevention: Facts for Parents

40. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary reasons why high school address suicide?

A. Administrators and staff care about the well-being of their students

B. Maintaining a safe and secure school environment is part of a school’s overall mission

C. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers and the school setting is an ideal place to incorporate prevention strategies

D. Depression and other mental health issues can interfere with children’s ability to learn and affect their academic performance

Chapter 6-Student Programs: Why are Student Programs that Address Suicide Important?

41. Research indicates that most youth who are suicidal talk with peers about their concerns rather than with adults, yet as few as ___ percent of peer confidants tell an adult about their suicidal peer.

A. 40

B. 35

C. 30

D. 25

42. Peer-leader programs are designed to help protect at-risk students from suicide by building their coping, problem-solving, and cognitive skills and to address problems that can lead to suicide.

A. True

B. False

Step 4: Adapt Student Programs for Your School Community

43. A major concern with adapting an evidence-based suicide prevention program is maintaining its _________ so that the positive outcomes will be attained.

A. Integrity

B. Effectiveness

C. Consistency

D. Principles

Tool 6.A: Types of Student Programs Information Sheet

44. Suicide prevention materials should include basic information about depression and suicide, warning signs, underlying risk factors, appropriate responses for the depressed or suicidal person, and help seeking resources.

A. True

B. False

Skill Building Programs for Students at Risk for Suicide

45. These programs help students by addressing mental health issues and building their coping, problem-solving, and ________ skills.

A. Social

B. Cognitive

C. Life

D. Interpersonal

Chapter 7: Screening

46. Screening programs in schools are cost-effective because they reach a large number of students quickly and at less cost than through community screening and they may deter the intensive treatment needed if students’ problems are not identified until they become more severe.

A. True

B. False

Basic Information About Screening Programs

47. Typically, a brief questionnaire is given to each student and those who screen positive are given a confidential interview as soon as possible by a mental health provider to assess whether they need a referral for more in-depth evaluation or treatment.

A. True

B. False

Steps to Plan and Implement a Screening Program

48. Which of the following is NOT one of the steps to plan and implement a screening program for suicide and behavioral health problems?

A. Convene a group to plan and conduct a screening program

B. Secure support from students for a screening program

C. Determine which community mental health providers to use for referrals

D. Select a screening program to use for the students at your school

Alternative Approach to Identifying Students at Risk

49. The Student Intervention Profile was developed in Florida to identify students who may be at risk for suicide based on assessment of academic achievement, effort, conduct, involvement with school police, and others areas, and students with difficulty in five or more areas were referred to a school counselor.

A. True

B. False

Parental Consent

50. With all cases of active consent, a student can participate in a screening process only if the parent gives explicit written permission.

A. True

B. False

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