Instructions: Print this exam worksheet. Return to the course page using the link below. Read the course material. Enter your answers on this worksheet. Return to the course page and click the link 'Take Test.' Transfer your answers.
1. The author and his colleagues use a trust scale to indicate various levels of trust within the work place. In general, people tend to judge others to be less trustworthy than themselves, which likely means that coworkers see you as less trustworthy than you see yourself.
A. True
B. False
2. In this book, trust is defined as choosing to risk making something you value ____________ to another persons actions.
A. Susceptible
B. Secondary
C. Vulnerable
D. None of the above
3. The choice to trust consists of four distinct assessments about how someone is likely to act, which include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Sincerity
B. Reliability
C. Competence
D. Consistency
4. Distrust is very harmful in the workplace because the strategies people use to protect themselves inevitably get in the way of their ability to effectively work with others. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the neurophysiology of distrust?
A. Normal to elevated levels of oxytocin
B. The brains primary defense system, the amygdala, is warmed up for any sign of imminent danger
C. Elevated levels of adrenaline and cortisol
D. Limited use of neocortex and greater reliance on defense-related neural patterns for making decisions and taking action
5. When people trust one another, they do not always have to agree, as long as they listen to each other and work together to find ideas and solutions.
A. True
B. False
6. Which of the following is an example of the assessment of sincerity in one's character?
A. The idea that you have the other person’s interest in mind as well as your own when you make decisions and take action
B. The idea that you are honest and say what you mean and mean what you say
C. The idea that you have the ability to do what you are doing or propose to do
D. All of the above
7. Being sincere means what you say is consistent from one person to another and consistent over time. Giving others reason to assess that you are sincere is a matter of being internally and externally ____________.
A. Connected
B. Aligned
C. Grounded
D. Congruent
8. When people express their intentions, expectations, desires, beliefs, and values, they aren't just describing themselves, they are creating expectations about their future behavior in the minds of those who listen to them.
A. True
B. False
9. Sincerity can be questioned if you appear to say one thing to one person and something different to another, or if what you say isn't consistent over time. In the chapter example of Roger, the department director, which of the following is an accurate statement about how Roger caused distrust with his employees?
A. Roger disliked and avoided conflict and had no idea that there was conflict and distrust within his team
B. Roger would talk with each manager individually, but made it clear that he would not necessarily make decisions that favored them
C. Roger exacerbated the distrust by often failing to announce his final decision, which left his staff without clear direction
D. All of the above
10. In building and maintaining trust in the area of sincerity, all of the following are accurate statements EXCEPT:
A. Be unintentional about what you say to people and about talking about interests, expectations, and ideas, as not to give any reason to doubt your sincerity
B. Check with people regularly to align expectations with intentions
C. Check your internal and external congruence
D. Ask people to tell you how they interpret what you say
11. Although most people say that they keep their commitments, people who work around them may or may not feel that they always do a good job in this area. This may be caused by changes in the work environment, competing commitments, demands on our time and attention, and by people failing to make clear requests, offers, and commitments.
A. True
B. False
12. The author reports that people make commitments in two ways: in response to someone else's request and:
A. By taking direction from another
B. By recognizing a need within themselves
C. By making an offer to someone
D. None of the above
13. There are many ways of making requests that work well and many that dont. Each of the following is one of the basic elements that make for clear, complete, and direct requests that work well EXCEPT:
A. Realize who the customer is
B. Find out who is being asked to fulfil the request
C. Recognize the time frame for completing the request
D. Identify how the customer will provide feedback to the performer
14. While direct requests have a much better chance of being fulfilled than those that are indirect, it is important to soften these requests in the workforce as not to be seen as impolite.
A. True
B. False
15. The author defines a drive-by-request as one that doesnt allow for a response, and assumes a response without recognizing frustrations and stress that may be created.
A. True
B. False
16. Once a commitment has been made, you may encounter a problem that is out of your control. In that case you may need to renegotiate or revoke your commitment. All of the following are accurate statements about this EXCEPT:
A. In order to maintain trust, revoking or renegotiating should be done while the customer still has other options for getting what they want
B. Some people may fail to revoke a commitment because they hate to disappoint others, so they go forward even it is impossible to deliver
C. It is usually best when organizational leaders make it clear that they would prefer everyone to acknowledge when they cannot meet their commitments, and that they will not be punished
D. If someone has to revoke commitments often, it is likely that they are chronically unrealistic about what they can do, and will likely have to be let go.
17. In many cases, people will appropriately be judged as competent in one area but not in another. On the other hand, sometimes because you are particularly knowledgeable in one area, others will assume you can handle any situations, although you may not have the experience or skills in this area. The author refers to this as the capability effect.
A. True
B. False
18. Competent leaders are those who recognize their limitations, ask for help when needed, and take steps to develop confidence.
A. True
B. False
19. In order to build trust in your competence in the workplace, you should:
A. Make a list to clarify to yourself and others the areas you claim competence in
B. Define the standards by which your competence is assessed
C. Ask for feedback from others about your performance
D. All of the above
20. The author states that of the four assessments of trustworthiness, competence is in some ways the most important for building lasting trust.
A. True
B. False
21. All of the following are accurate statements about limited and conditional trust in the work environment EXCEPT:
A. If people do not believe you have their interest in mind they will likely consider you to be untrustworthy across all the assessments of sincerity, reliability, and/or competence
B. Only having someone’s limited and conditional trust is never okay, so complete trust must be achieved
C. Often times people are not consciously aware that they don’t trust others, but they act in ways to keep what’s important to them out of danger
D. When people assess that you care about them or what they care about, it is not necessary to convince them every time that you need their trust, and they will tend to be more forgiving when things inevitably go wrong
22. In cultivating trust in the care area, some degrees of intimacy is fundamental between relationships, and it is important to realize each others interests, concerns, hopes, and desires.
A. True
B. False
23. Confronting distrust at work is imperative to maintain a productive and effective working environment. Which of the following is an accurate statement about distrust?
A. Distrust and fear are two separate issues and need to be dealt with using different strategies
B. When distrust becomes part of an organization’s culture, it leads to less complex control mechanisms
C. When we distrust, we engage in strategies to protect ourselves, which inevitably impede the ability to get work done
D. All of the above
24. When there is distrust between coworkers, it is not important to understand specifically if the distrust is in the area sincerity, reliability, competence, and/or care but rather to recognize the feeling of distrust in general, and to begin to talk constructively about the issue.
A. True
B. False
25. When you begin to have a conversation with someone about trust issues, it is important to start the conversation by:
A. Describing the specific actions or behaviors that have impacted your trust in this person using neutral language
B. Ask them if they are having any trust issues with you
C. Talk to them about what they have done and listen without interrupting or contradicting
D. Express your desire to fully trust the person
26. It is important to be able to talk to your superior about distrust issues you may be feeling toward him or her, although it may be very scary. The author suggests that once you begin to address the distrust issue, if you do not feel you are being heard or making progress, it is best to move on to a safer topic and come back to the trust issue at a later time.
A. True
B. False
27. When someones trust has been betrayed, the only resolution is to acknowledge and apologize for the betrayal, which usually means making a commitment to not repeat the action that has led to the lost trust.
A. True
B. False
28. If a co-worker becomes less communicative, more resistant, or less cooperative than usual, this may be an indication that trust has been violated, even if the person does not admit it.
A. True
B. False
29. Trust is associated with a brain chemical known as oxytocin that is associated with social bonding, reduced fear response, and increased well-being. Which of the following is an accurate statement about neuroscience and distrust?
A. When you distrust, the neocortex begins to shut down and you start responding to things around you using primary, unconscious, pre-programmed defensive behaviors
B. The higher order functions of brain such as critical analysis and creative thinking are more readily available to you to protect you from the person you distrust
C. Anxiety, fear, and anger associated with distrust are associated with higher-level brain and nervous system processes initiated by the amygdala
D. All of the above
30. Building, maintaining, and restoring the trust of those around you is essential to the success of our work environments, social institutions, communities, and families. An important way to begin this process is to have a conversation with someone you distrust, and express your concerns using the appropriate distinctions, so that you and the other person feel safe as you begin to work on the trust issue.
A. True
B. False
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