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Quantum Units Education®

Victims of Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking in the United States

1. How do many people become victims of human trafficking?

A. They are lured with false promises of well-paying jobs.

B. They are manipulated by people they trust.

C. Either (A) and/or (B).

D. None of the above.

2. While there is no defining characteristic that all victims share, traffickers frequently prey on individuals who are:

A. Poor

B. Living in an unsafe situation

C. In search of a better life

D. All of the above

3. To achieve their ends, traffickers do which of the following?

A. Instill fear of arrest or deportation.

B. Use threats of harm to a family member.

C. Perpetuate shame or guilt about what is happening.

D. All of the above.

4. Traffickers sometimes promote drug dependencies among their victims, keeping the victims reliant on the trafficker for access to the substances that fuel addiction.

A. True

B. False

5. Stakeholders identified _____ as a barrier to coordinated service provision.

A. A lack of consistent guidance from the Federal Government

B. The length of time it takes to stabilize a victim

C. Reluctance on the victim’s part to come forward

D. A shortage of sustainable housing and legal services

6. Which of the following is a significant issue in achieving long-term recovery and self-sufficiency for human trafficking survivors?

A. Speaking English

B. Sustainable housing

C. Rehabilitation

D. Legal status

7. Human trafficking victims may be eligible for _____ nonimmigrant status, which allows victims to remain and work in the United States and assist law enforcement authorities in the investigation or prosecution of human trafficking cases.

A. T

B. U

C. Either (A) or (B)

D. None of the above

8. Anti-human trafficking efforts should be:

A. Victim-centered and culturally relevant

B. Evidence-based

C. Trauma-informed

D. All of the above

9. The victim centered approach seeks to do all of the following, except for:

A. Understand the physical, social, and emotional impact of trauma on the individual.

B. Minimize retraumatization associated with the criminal justice process.

C. Empower survivors as engaged participants in the process.

D. Provide survivors an opportunity to play a role in seeing their traffickers brought to justice.

Goal 1: Align Efforts

10. _____ is needed to further develop and sustain a comprehensive and trauma-informed service network for victims of human trafficking.

A. Increased coordination and collaboration among federal agencies

B. Increased coordination and collaboration between public and private partners

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

11. Fragmentation and lack of awareness in which system has been identified as a barrier to victim identification and effective victim services?

A. Refugee resettlement agencies

B. Public health agencies

C. Crime victim compensation

D. All of the above

12. Increased collaboration and coordination within the Federal Government and among all levels of government will:

A. Leverage resources.

B. Reduce duplication of efforts.

C. Help to create a strong and consistent victim service network across the United States.

D. All of the above.

Goal 2: Improve Understanding

13. Due to the hidden and complex nature of the crime, the full scope of human trafficking in the United States is unknown, and statistics related to _____ may be particularly unreliable.

A. Young girls

B. Men and boys

C. Foreign born victims

D. All of the above

14. In order to reach the goal of developing evidence-based approaches, federal actions fall under all of the following, except:

A. Establish baseline knowledge of human trafficking and victim service needs through rigorous research and reporting.

B. Coordinate victim services effectively through collaboration across multiple service sectors.

C. Support the development of effective responses to the needs of human trafficking victims.

D. Federal actions fall under all of the above in order to develop evidence-based approaches.

15. DOJ’s National Institute of Justice will release a Georgetown University study of the effectiveness of interventions to _____ foreign national victims into the wider society.

A. Stabilize

B. Rehabilitate

C. Integrate

D. All of the above

16. DOJ’s Office on Violence Against Women, in partnership with DOJ’s National Institute of Justice, will fund a study of the impact of the population boom from an influx of oil works, in _____, on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking.

A. North Dakota and Montana

B. The Gulf

C. Iraq

D. Syria

17. Data collection efforts must keep confidentiality and privacy protection of victims in the forefront to ensure that victims remain protected.

A. True

B. False

18. The foundation for _____ lies in the collection, coordination, and sharing of data in a consistent way using common definitions of human trafficking and related terms.

A. Baseline understanding of the prevalence of human trafficking

B. Uniform crime reporting purposes

C. New data collection instruments

D. Methodological barriers hampering data collection and related research efforts

19. HHS’s Administration for Children and Families will explore ways, within its existing authorities and using available resources, to better collect data from federal and state data systems and national surveys to support analyses that will uncover specific risk factors for human trafficking among:

A. Runway and homeless youth.

B. Children who experienced abuse or neglect.

C. Both (A) and (B).

D. None of the above.

20. HHS will explore new data collection strategies, such as _____, for compiling unduplicated estimates on the prevalence of human trafficking in the United States.

A. 1-day census counts

B. Collecting data through public health methodologies

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

21. HHS’s Administration for Child and Families will explore ways to leverage existing resources and performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of training curricula for stakeholders in all of the following systems, except for:

A. Child welfare

B. Juvenile justice

C. Runaway

D. Homeless youth

Goal 3: Expand Access To Services

22. _____ leads few victims to seek assistance independently, either from law enforcement or service providers.

A. The pervasive use of coercion by perpetrators

B. The exploitation of victims’ fears by perpetrators

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

23. Even when victims are identified, many first responders, including law enforcement and victim service providers at the federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local levels, remain unfamiliar with the range of services available to victims.

A. True

B. False

24. In order to reach the goal of developing a variety of general awareness and targeted training materials, federal actions fall under all of the following, except:

A. Support the development of effective responses to the needs of human trafficking victims.

B. Increase victim identification through coordinated public outreach and awareness efforts.

C. Build capacity to better identify and serve victims through targeted training and technical assistance.

D. Federal actions fall under all of the above in order to develop a variety of general awareness and targeted training materials.

25. It is important that the general public becomes more aware of human trafficking in order to increase victim identification and referrals for service.

A. True

B. False

26. FBI resource materials on human trafficking included at public venues such as libraries, community centers, and faith-based facilities through displaying books, posters, and other materials on human trafficking, slavery, and/or civil rights do which of the following?

A. Bring awareness to the warning signs of human trafficking.

B. Alert the public that it is a crime.

C. Provide the National Human Trafficking Resource Hotline number.

D. All of the above.

27. The focus of the Federal Strategic Action Plan is on:

A. Outreach

B. Victim services

C. Awareness

D. Training

28. All government agencies have the authority to include the development and provision of services to victims of human trafficking in their missions.

A. True

B. False

29. Victim services are within the scope of DOT’s mission and operations.

A. True

B. False

30. Which of the following is defined as an action, carried out by an individual or organization, to contact and offer assistance to a person or community?

A. Outreach

B. Awareness

C. Training

D. Technical assistance

31. Technical assistance is:

A. More formal than training.

B. Provided on demand and in response to ongoing cases or organizational issues.

C. Both (A) and (B).

D. None of the above.

32. It is crucial that targeted outreach is provided to groups and communities that may encounter victims so they are able to identify victims and expand the network of services.  These groups:

A. Need to be experts in human trafficking.

B. Need to have a general awareness and understanding of the indicators of the crime in order to provide needed referrals.

C. Both (A) and (B).

D. None of the above.

33. DHS and DOT will release the Blue Lightning Initiative, a human trafficking awareness training tailored to:

A. Airline personnel

B. Coast Guard personnel

C. Amtrak employees

D. All of the above

34. Federal agencies will work proactively to ensure that human trafficking workshops and presentations are included on agendas of national conferences and training efforts designed for:

A. Law enforcement

B. Medical professionals

C. Mental health practitioners

D. All of the above

35. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ public-facing employees are required to complete mandatory electronic-based human trafficking training.

A. True

B. False

36. The FBI will continue to provide various anti-human trafficking trainings and create additional training opportunities to foster increased awareness of human trafficking and identification of victims in which of the following ways?

A. The FBI will train agents and victim specialists working in Indian Country on all aspects of human trafficking, specifically identifying and providing services for victims.

B. The FBI will develop human trafficking awareness training for all its employees via the Virtual Academy training program.

C. The FBI’s Violent Crimes Against Children Section will continue to provide in-person and online training regarding the protection of victims and use of the FBI Task Forces’ resources in child sex trafficking investigations.

D. All of the above.

37. DOS’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security will create an online human trafficking investigation education course that includes instruction on:

A. How to identify and treat potential trafficking victims.

B. The best practices to successfully investigate and prosecute trafficking offenses.

C. How to refer victims for services.

D. All of the above.

38. The ability of law enforcement to effectively identify victims and hold offenders accountable depends on their capacity to connect with and support victims.

A. True

B. False

39. Service providers and others who work with trafficking victims report that a significant percentage of trafficked minors have been involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice system.

A. True

B. False

40. The DHS Blue Campaign indicator cards, tailored specifically for first responders, explain:

A. Indicators of human trafficking that a first responder might encounter.

B. What a first responder can do to report suspected instances of human trafficking.

C. How to direct victims to services.

D. All of the above.

41. Specialized anti-human trafficking service providers and those who work with human trafficking victims on a regular basis provide critical assistance and care to victims to ensure their needs are met in the immediate aftermath of the crime, as well as throughout their long-term recovery.

A. True

B. False

42. DOS’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security will continue to educate the nongovernmental community about its ability to identify victims of human trafficking, domestically and overseas, and work on trafficking cases, particularly those related to:

A. Visa fraud and the foreign diplomatic community.

B. Commercial sexual exploitation.

C. Child trafficking.

D. All of the above.

43. DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention will provide targeted training and technical assistance to:

A. AMBER Alert coordinators

B. Child abduction response teams

C. Missing children clearinghouses

D. All of the above

44. Although it is usually hidden, some victims encounter _____ who could potentially assist the victim in escaping into freedom.

A. Medical professionals

B. Teachers

C. Public safety officials

D. All of the above

45. Hospital codes include an option for human trafficking cases.

A. True

B. False

Goal 4: Improve Outcomes

46. In order to reach the goal of creating a more efficient service delivery system that is accessible and responsive to the needs of all identified victims of human trafficking, federal actions fall under all of the following, except:

A. Foster collaborations and partnerships to enhance the community response to human trafficking.

B. Improve access to victim services by removing system barriers.

C. Build capacity to better identify and serve victims through targeted training and technical assistance.

D. Federal actions fall under all of the above in order to create a more efficient service delivery system.

47. Exploitative peddling operations include selling:

A. Food items

B. Flowers

C. Fix-it services

D. All of the above

48. Human trafficking victims often struggle to access the full range of benefits and services that would address their needs.  Which of the following is an issue that must be addressed to support victims?

A. Access to identity documents.

B. Limited education and job skills.

C. Medical and mental health problems.

D. All of the above.

49. In the absence of any emergency housing, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations’ Victim Assistance Program and the FBI’s Office for Victim Assistance may consider using Federal Emergency Victim Assistance funds as a last resort until an appropriate housing option is available.

A. True

B. False

50. Which of the following is a certifying agency for U visas?



C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of the above

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