Identifying Mental Health and Substance Abuse Problems of Children and Youth - Part 1

$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate

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CEU Course Description

This course is intended to promote the early identification of children and adolescents with mental health and substance use problems. It addresses the approaches, methods, and strategies used to identify mental health and substance use problems of high-risk youth in settings that serve either a broad spectrum of children and adolescents or a high-risk population.

Author:  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.  (2011).  Identifying mental health and substance use problems of children and adolescents: A guide for child-serving organizations. (HHS Publication No. SMA 12-4670).  Rockville, MD: Author.

References / Contributions by:

  1. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2009). Fatal crashes involving young drivers (Traffic Safety Facts Research Note). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved January 25, 2011, from
  2. (2011). Definition of psychotropic medication [Web site]. Retrieved January 25, 2011, from asp?articlekey=30808
  3. University of Michigan Depression Center. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) [Web site]. Retrieved January 25, 2011, from treatmentoptions/Psychotherapy/CBT.asp

Retrieved from:

CEU Course Objectives

  1. List three factors that can contribute to a higher risk of developing mental health or substance use problems.
  2. Provide four protective factors that can help prevent certain kinds of problems from developing in children and adolescents.
  3. Summarize the goal of identifying children and adolescents with a high likelihood of having mental health and substance use problems.
  4. Describe two fears that caregivers may have regarding mental health treatment.
  5. Determine three questions to ask when selecting a screening tool that best supports the goals selected for early identification.

CE Outline with Main Points

1.  Prevention and Early Identification of Children's and Adolescents' Mental Health and Substance Use Problems

a.  The Importance of Social and Emotional Development

b.  Prevention and Treatment

2.  Understanding the Identification Process and Tools

a.  The Value of Early Identification

b.  Developing an Effective Approach to Improve Identification and Access to Care

c.  Applying Basic Principles to the Design of an Early Identification and Access-to-Care Program

d.  Employing Sound Methods to Identify Children and Adolescents Who May Have a Mental Health or Substance Use Problem

e.  Determining Goals: Populations and Programs of Concern

f.  Selecting an Identification Method

g.  Considering the Culture and Languages of the Groups Being Screened

h.  A Short List of Mental Health and Substance Use / Abuse Screening Tools for Children and Adolescents

3.  Key Steps of Early Identification

a.  Obtaining Informed Parental Consent

b.  Obtaining the Assent of Children and Adolescents

c.  Sizing an Early Identification Program: Estimating the Number of Children and Adolescents Who Will Be Identified With Likely Problems

d.  Ensuring Confidentiality

e.  Administering the Screen

f.  Responding to Screening Results

g.  Communicating Results to Caregivers

h.  Communicating Results to Mature Minors and Young Adults

4.  Partnering for Resources

a.  Benefits of Partnering to Access Community Resources

b.  Potential Partners

c.  Partnership Models

ACE credit is not offered for this course. A list of courses offering ACE credit can be found here.


CAADE Approval

This course does not have CAADE approval for CEUs.


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Added On: 04/01/2012

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