

Pricing and Payment

Courses and Exams

Need Support? Contact us via Live Chat. Use this link: https://lc.chat/now/6202461/12


1. How do I know if I'm approved?

You can check our state board approvals for your board and license type here: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/ceu-approval-states.php. If you don't see your license type listed this may mean you are not approved. If this is the case, you may want to contact your board and check to see if they will accept approvals from another state board. Alternatively, many boards accept our courses based on one or more of our large National board approvals: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/ceu-approval.php. If you do not see your board on our approval lists, you will need to contact your board to see if they will accept our courses. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each licensee to verify acceptance of our courses with their licensing agency directly.

2. It said I was approved to take your courses, but my board isn't listed on my certificate?

If you see that your board approves our courses but do not see your specific board listed on the certificate, it is likely because your board accepts courses approved by any state board which you will see listed on your certificate. You also may be approved as a complementary board. This means that if you are not licensed through a board that we report directly on behalf of (listed on the CE Certificate) but instead a 'complementary' board, then you will not see you board listed on your certificate.

3. Do you report to CE Broker?

Yes! We report to CE Broker to qualifying boards

Please be sure to check your state and license approval before taking courses to make sure all of our courses are approved. Some boards listed are only approved to specific requirements through Quantum. You can check our approvals here: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/ceu-approval-states.php.

4. Why were my courses not reported to CE Broker?

When you create an account with us you must verify your license number for us to properly report to CE Broker. If you skip this step or answer it incorrectly, our system will not know to report on your behalf. Please be sure to enter your license number in exactly the way you have it in your CE Broker account as the system is very sensitive and even a space will cause an error. If you skipped this step please reach out to our support page: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/contact.php so we can manually report the courses you have taken and update your account.

5. How do I get started?

If you already have an account you will need to login to get started. If you do not have an account created you can register for an account here: https:// www.quantumunitsed.com/ecomm-signup.php. Once you are logged into your account you will pick a course you are interested in, read the material, and take a multiple choice exam. When you pass the exam you will be prompted to pay if you wish to have a CE Certificate issued. If you have a membership your certificate will automatically be emailed to you and stored in your certificates tab.


6. What courses can I take under the unlimited membership plan?

We offer over 500 courses and you can take any and all of them under the unlimited discount plan. If a course requires an ebook, you will have to pay for that separately, but the exam and certificate is still included in the plan. The ebooks can sometimes be found for free on a kindle or the kindle app.

7. How do I cancel my membership so it doesn't auto-renew?

You can cancel your membership at any time to avoid the auto renewal on your account. Once your membership is cancelled you cannot take any courses with the membership. Please be sure you are 100% done taking your courses before you cancel. You will be charged for courses once canceled.

To cancel, you will need to:

  • Log into your account.
  • Click “My Account”.
  • Click “Membership”.
  • Click the blue link that says “Cancel Membership”.
  • Select your reason for leaving and any additional comments.
  • Click “Confirm Cancellation”.

Your card will then be removed and there will be no future auto-renewal unless you log in and repurchase at a later time.

8. I made a company account but it doesn't allow me to test within it?

Most of our customers will create an 'Individual' account. A 'Company' account is for a company that is paying for the CEs of its employees, and an 'Employee' account is if the company you work for has supplied you with a username and password and is paying for your CEs. You can't test within a company account. If the account is just for you and you are not supplying CEs to your employees, we'll need to delete the company account and make an 'individual account' as your account type. Please contact support in order to have the company account deleted: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/contact.php.

Pricing and Payment

9. When do I pay for a course?

If you purchased a discount plan no payment is necessary and your certificate will automatically be sent and saved for you. If you are paying for the courses individually you will not be prompted to submit payment until after you pass the exam. Reading the material and testing is free, you only pay for access to your certificate. Our system will charge for each passing exam, if you took duplicate courses please be sure to delete the extra exams from your shopping cart before submitting payment. Please be sure to click on submit payment only once. It will charge you each time you click so just wait for the page to load thoroughly.

10. I want to pay for my certificate but the unpaid exam is no longer in my account?

Our system will automatically delete any unpaid exams after 60 days. Please contact support if you have surpassed the 60 days: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/contact.php.

11. Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?

Course Refunds

Since you don't pay for an exam until after you've had a chance to read the course material and take an exam, a refund in this situation is rare. Once a certificate is issued by our system, a refund cannot be processed unless your licensing board does not accept it. If this is the case, we will refund the cost of the course upon proof of licensing board denial.

Membership Refunds

You have 90 days from purchase or renewal of membership to cancel and get a full refund (whether or not you've used the membership). A full refund will only be issued to you if you have not taken courses within 90 days. If you have, we will refund the difference between the membership cost and the cost of courses you completed.

Credit Card Disputes

You must contact us first in the case of a credit card dispute so that we can resolve your issue. If you dispute a credit card charge with your credit card company without first contacting us to resolve it, we reserve the right to charge a $20 fee to handle the dispute with your bank.

Courses and Exams

12. Is there a time limit for the courses?

There is no time limit, the exam is self-paced learning. However, when taking the online exam, the system will time you out after 10 minutes, so make sure to save your exam (button at the bottom of the exam) if you are going to go over that amount of time. We always suggest printing the exam and completing the hard copy as you read the course material and then transfer your answers to the online exam when you are finished. If you had not saved the exam and your computer timed you out, you may have to re-transfer your answers from your hard copy to the online exam.

13. What happens if I fail a course? How many chances do I have to pass?

You have 6 chances to pass the exam. Once the exam is graded you will see your incorrect answers marked in red. When you retake the exam, only change the answers that have been marked red and leave your other answers correct. In order to increase your chances of passing, we always suggest printing the exam and completing the hard copy as you read and study the course material. Then transfer your answers to the online exam when you are finished.

14. How long does it take to complete an online course and get my certificate?

You can complete one of our online courses in a matter of one or a few days. It depends on your comfort level using computers and how well you study and test. Once you have passed the exam and paid for the course we will automatically issue you a certificate.

15. How does testing work?

It is all 'self-paced' learning. You can print the exam first (by clicking on the green 'Print Exam' button, and then read the material at your own pace, marking the correct answers as you read. Once you have the questions answered you will log into your account and take the 'official' test in our online testing center (by clicking on the orange 'Take Test' button) - which is just a transfer of your answers from the printed exam.

You are limited to 6 chances to pass a test for a single course with a 70% or better and all testing is free. Once you pass, your CEs will be placed in your unpaid CEs folder. You pay only for the certificate of completion. Once payment is made you may immediately print the certificate. Please take note that our system will charge for each passing exam, but, you can always delete the extra exams from your shopping cart before submitting payment.

16. I can't submit my exam?

Here is a list of a few things to try:

  • Make sure you've answered all test questions and evaluation questions. This includes all the boxes. All the boxes MUST be filled out in order for the exam to be submitted. This also includes the time it took to complete the exam (not listed on all exams).
  • Sometimes work or government buildings block people from testing. We recommend clients test from their home or from the library. If that is not an option you may need to contact your IT department to allow you to test at work.
  • For longer exams, we recommend that you save your exam periodically so you do not lose the answers you are inputting in case the webpage times out. This page will time out after about 10 minutes so we suggest you write your answers down and refresh the page. We recommend writing your answers down and trying to use a different browser.
  • For certain exams on our website, not all, we require you to complete an extended evaluation. This data is to help us to improve our program and meet certifying organization requirements. In the beginning of the evaluation, you will see an area where you are required to enter your Professional License/Qualifications. This MUST be filled out in order to submit your exam for grading. You will receive an error message stating 'you must select your Profession type above' if you skip this step.
  • If you continue to have issues, please message support and we will further investigate. If there is an error message that pops up, we suggest screenshotting your screen or take note as to what it mentions. This will greatly help us determine what the problem might be: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/contact.php.

17. When will I receive my certificate of completion?

If you have a discount plan, you will automatically receive your certificate as soon as you pass the exam. If you are paying course by course, once you pass the exam and as soon as payment is made, you will automatically receive your certificate of completion. Your certificates will be automatically emailed and stored in your account.

18. I cannot view the reading material and/or my certificate. Nothing happens when I try to download my certificate.

We suggest that you have the latest Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer which you can find here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/. If you don't have the latest Adobe, your certificates and the materials may not download. You can also try using a different web browser.

19. My license isn't appearing on my certificate.

In order to have your license or credential type and number inserted onto your certificate you will need to:

  • Log into your account.
  • Click on 'My Account' in the upper right corner.
  • Click on “Certificates.”
  • From the certificates page, click 'Download Checked' and a page will come up with your license information displayed. ***Commonly Missed Step***
  • Highlight your license or credential information by clicking on it with your mouse. If you would like more than one license on your certificate, while holding down the 'CTRL' key on your keyboard (Windows) or the 'Command' key (Mac) you will highlight each license number.
  • Click the green 'view' button and your license(s) will appear on the displayed CE certificate.

20. Where can I find the 9 hour orientation course for California Substance Abuse Counselor registrants, RADTs?

The course is titled 'Substance Abuse Counselor Ethics, Confidentiality, and Boundaries (Update)” and it can be found here: https://www.quantumunitsed.com/online-ceus/substance-abuseand-addiction-ces/sa-ethics-confidentiality-boundaries-update-2018.php. This course meets the prerequisite requirements for the 9-hour orientation for California Substance Abuse Counselor registrants, RADTs, and includes 3 hours of Ethics, 3 hours of 42 CFR Part II Confidentiality and HIPAA, and 3 hours of Boundaries.

21. What courses do I need to take for my renewal?

For specific requirements, you'll need to reach out to your board or go online to your boards' website. Once you know the requirements, you can reach back out to our support and we may be able to direct you to the correct courses needed.

22. Are your courses approved for licensing or certification?

Quantum Units Education does not license nor certify. You will need to check with your board to see what is required and to check to see if our courses are approved.

23. Where are my certificates? / Do you offer transcripts?

You can find your certificates for completed courses within your account by:

  • Log into your account
  • Click on 'My Account' in the upper right corner.
  • Click on 'Certificates.”
  • Click on 'Certificate' next to the course that you would like the certificate for.
  • Highlight your license(s).
  • Click the green 'Download Certificate' button. Your certificate will download to your computer.

You can find your transcript within your account by:

  • Log into your account
  • Click on “My Account” in the upper right corner.
  • Click on “Certificates.”
  • Click the blue “Transcript” button.

We suggest that you have the latest Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer which you can find here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/


24. Grievance Policy

Customer satisfaction is Quantum Units Education's top priority. With this in mind, we have developed the following policies:

  1. We are dedicated to bringing participants quality continuing education courses at prices that everyone can afford with personal attention to each participant.
  2. We are available to answer any questions a participant might have. Quantum Units Education uses an advanced Email Support System that assures participants will get help right away. We can be reached through our Live Chat messaging system which appears in the lower right corner of every page of our website and becomes a message-leaving avenue when a Chat agent is unavailable. (The link in the lower right corner of every page will say “Live Chat” or “Customer Support” depending on whether a Chat agent is available. When an agent is not available, the participant may leave a message which will be responded to promptly -- usually within one or two hours during the week. As participants are advised through the messaging system, customer support is closed on national holidays and weekends.) Also on our website is a link to our “CE support team” which brings participants to our “Contact Us” page (https://www.quantumunitsed.com/contact.php). If a participant's questions or concerns can't be resolved through the Live Chat agent, the participant will be given a call back by a Quantum Units representative, usually within a couple of hours.
  3. Participants are allowed to take the online exam up to six times in order to pass it. Incorrect answers are displayed to assist participants in making necessary corrections. Participants who wish to discuss the results of their exam may send a message through our Live Chat system.
  4. Since participants don't pay for an online course until it is completed, there is no need to issue a refund if a participant isn't satisfied. However, once a certificate has been issued, refund requests are not available except under limited circumstances. Individual refund requests will be reviewed and may be granted in the following cases:
    (a) The participant would not receive credit for the CE units from his/her licensing board because the participant did not consult our State Approval chart to see whether or not Quantum Units Education was an approved provider for such board.
    (b) The participant has erroneously taken the same course/exam more than once.
    (c) The participant has registered for multiple accounts and would like to use a discount plan credit on another account.

As a result of these policies, complaints about our courses are few. However, on the rare occasion there is a grievance, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Complaint or grievance must be submitted by the participant via our Live Chat messaging system, or email to support@quantumunitsed.com.
  2. The complaint is reviewed by the Social Work Consultant, President, Vice-President and other organizational members trained to address grievances. The Social Work Consultant will be involved in the entire grievance process through resolution for all grievances involving social workers. 
  3. Questions regarding course content or exams are reviewed by professional consultant or the qualified exam writer and the participant will be contacted in a timely manner with an appropriate response.
  4. The issue is discussed. Responses to questions regarding support are always answered in a timely manner, usually within 1-2 hours between Monday and Friday, 8:00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. PST.
  5. Fair procedures and due process are part of the policy. The participant will be advised that he or she has the opportunity to support her/his allegations by arguments, however brief, and, if need be, by proof, however informal, and that such claim will be heard or reviewed by a certain date.
  6. If the grievance cannot be resolved with the assigned Quantum Units Education staff member, the President will review the complaint and any supporting material, discuss it with the participant, and render a final determination.
  7. Information is shared and utilized internally to improve future courses.
  8. The appropriate designation organizational representative will respond to the participant in writing via email. If the participant is a social worker the response will be from our Licensed Social Worker Consultant. 

ADA Policy

It is our policy to make every reasonable effort to provide students with disabilities the opportunity to take advantage of our online courses for learning. To that end, all webpages and course material, posttests and evaluations are accessible by the visually-impaired. Requests to accommodate special circumstances under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, must be sent in writing to: support@quantumunitsed.com.

Copyright © 2025 Quantum Units Education. All Rights Reserved.