Mental Health CEs
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Mental Health CEs
These Continuing Education Courses address topics related to Mental Health conditions and Mental Health Treatment. CEs are approved for Professional Counselors, MFT Therapists, Social Workers, Psych Techs and others. Please check our CE Approvals page for more.
How Behavioral Health Providers Are Addressing Substance Misuse Trends and Outcomes
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Access CE Course
How Mood Disorders Impact Children
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Navigating Depression in Older Adults
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Exploring the Interplay Between Physical and Mental Health
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills and Interventions
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Understanding Serious Mental Illness
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Promoting Inclusivity in Mental Health Practice
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
A Guide to Managing Stress for Disaster Responders and First Responders
FREE | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Florida Laws and Rules for Social Worker and Mental Health Professionals
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
This course is approved for Laws and Rules credit by The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling
Telehealth for Treating Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Treatment Considerations for Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbances and Serious Mental Illness
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 1 hour in the Alcohol/ Drug Category and 1 hour in the Mental Health Category.
Disaster Planning for Behavioral Health Service Programs
$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Support for Behavioral Health Needs Stemming From COVID
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Access CE Course
HIPAA Privacy Rule and Sharing Information Related to Mental Health (Update)
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Anger Management: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach (Update)
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 3 hours in the Mental Health Category
First-Episode Psychosis and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 1 hour in the Alcohol/ Drug Category and 1 hour in the Mental Health Category
Motivational Interviewing
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Psychiatric Advance Directives
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Advanced | Access CE Course
Antipsychotic Prescribing for Children and Adolescents
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Suicide Prevention Supporting Life Before, During, and After A Suicidal Crisis
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Civil Commitment and Mental Health Care
$7.50 | CE Hours:1.50 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Advancing Community-Based Solutions for Justice-Involved People with Mental and Substance Use Dis
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System (Updated)
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 4 hours in the Alcohol/ Drug Category, 2 hours in the Ethics Category, and 2 hours in the Co-occurring Category.
Older Adults Living With Serious Mental Illness
FREE | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Medicaid Coverage for Medication-Assisted Treatment of Alcohol and Opioid Use Disorder
$22.50 | CE Hours:4.50 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Common Comorbidities with Substance Use Disorders
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Behavioral Health Conditions in Children Exposed to Natural Disasters
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Sexual Harassment, Prevention, and California Law
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Supporting Brain Development in Traumatized Youth
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer's
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Advanced | Access CE Course
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course is approved by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Course Approval #DVP-2019-11, for 4 DV Offender CE Hours.
Clinical Guidelines for the Management of PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Smoking, Mental Illness, and Public Health
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Sexual Assault - Enhancing Sexual Assault Services
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Meditation in Treating PTSD
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
The Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorders
$17.50 | CE Hours:3.50 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
IAODAPCA CE Credit for Counselor I or II, Preventionist I or II, CARS I or II, CODP I or II, PCGC II, CCJP II, CAAP I, CRSS II, CPRS I or II, MAATP I or II, CFPP II, GCE, CVSS II
Supporting Women with Substance Use Disorders in Co-ed Settings
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
IAODAPCA CE Credit for Counselor I or II, Preventionist I or II, CARS I or II, CODP I or II, PCGC II, CCJP II, CAAP I, CRSS I or II, CPRS I or II, MAATP I or II, CFPP II, GCE, CVSS II
Preventing Sexual Violence - Evidence-Based Practices
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Co-Occurring Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Problems
$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Principles of Substance Abuse Prevention for Early Childhood
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
IAODAPCA CE credit for: Counselor I or II, Preventionist I or II, CARS I or II, CODP I or II, PCGC II, CCJP II, CAAP I, CRSS I or II, CPRS I or II, MAATP I or II, NCRS II, CFPP II, ATE, CVSS II
Implementation of Services for the Homeless
$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course can only be viewed by clicking the Download PDF link. It is not available in the online reading format
Substance Abuse Counselor Competencies (TAP 21 Updated)
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Privacy and Security of Electronic Health Information (HIPAA)
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
The Effects of Child Maltreatment on Brain Development
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Case Management and Substance Abuse Treatment (Revised)
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Ethics for Marriage and Family Therapists
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Domestic Violence Offender Program Standards
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course is approved by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Course Approval # DVP-2019-16 for 2 DV Offender CE Hours. This will appear on your CE Certificate.
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 2 hours in the Mental Health Category
Understanding and Treating Veterans Experiencing Homelessness
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Sheltering Transgender Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Optimal Living Space for People with Alzheimer's Disease
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Approved by Oregon DHS for AMH, APD and DD
Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations (Updated)
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
HIPAA Privacy Rule and Sharing Information Related to Mental Health
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Victims of Human Trafficking
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
This course is not approved for the Texas mandatory requirement.
Clinical Supervision and Professional Development
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Ohio Note: Ohio CSWMFTB has approved this course for supervision for their counselors and social workers only. MFTs may take it for General CE only.
Florida Note: This course has been approved by the Florida Board of Social Work, Mental Health Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapists for Supervision Continuing Education Credit. Hours are immediately reported to CE Broker for Supervisory CE hours.
All others: This course is acceptable for Supervison credit
Psychological Issues for HIV Infected Women
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Suicide Prevention Protocols for Juvenile Justice Youth
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Sexual Violence in the Military
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Improving Mental Health Services in Rural Long-Term Care
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Approved by Oregon DHS for AMH, APD and DD
Behavioral Health for the Homeless
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course can only be viewed by clicking the Download PDF link. It is not available in the online reading format. This is a large document, please allow plenty of time for the download especially on slower connections
Understanding Elder Abuse
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Approved by Oregon DHS for AMH, APD and DD
Suicide - Assessment, Management and Treatment
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course meets the mandatory CE training in KY for OT's and OTA's. It does NOT meet the mandatory Suicide training for LPC's in KY.
The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to DSM-5
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Meditative Psychotherapy
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Preventing Suicide Through Improved Collaboration for Juvenile Justice Youth
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Implementing Drug Abuse Treatment in Criminal Justice Settings
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Sexual Violence in Later Life
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Borderline Personality Disorder
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Approved by Oregon DHS for AMH, APD and DD
Brief Interventions for Clinicians
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Suicide Prevention Treatment and Support
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course meets the mandatory CE training in KY for OT's and OTA's and has ongoing approval. It does NOT meet the mandatory Suicide training for LPC's in KY.
Parenting Interventions for Men Who Batter
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course is approved by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Course Approval # DVP-2019-20 for DV 2 Offender CE Hours. This will appear on your CE Certificate.
Suicide Prevention in High Schools
$50.00 | CE Hours:10.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Family Violence: Treatment of Perpetrators and Victims
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course is approved by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Course Approval # DVP-2019-21 for DV 2 Offender CE Hours. This will appear on your CE Certificate.
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 2 hours in the Mental Health Category
Top LGBT Health Issues
$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course will be expiring on 03/27/2025. After this date, you will be unable to take this course for renewal credit.
Behavioral Health Issues Among Afghanistan and Iraq U.S. War Veterans
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
New Generation Cannabinoid Designer Drugs
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Advanced | Access CE Course
IAODAPCA CE Credit for Counselor I or II, Preventionist I or II, CARS I or II, CODP I or II, PCGC II, CCJP II, CAAP I, CRSS II, CPRS I or II, MAATP I or II, CFPP II, CVSS II
STDs Overview and in Homeless Settings
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Generation Alzheimer's
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
This course will be expiring on 03/27/2025. After this date, you will be unable to take this course for renewal credit.
Breastfeeding Support and Promotion
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Older Adults and Depression
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Prevention of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Substance Use Disorders and Child Maltreatment
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Medical Errors and Behavior Management
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Florida: Approved for ME credit for LMFT, LCSW, LMHC and Nurses.
How to Implement Trauma Focused CBT
$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Management of Long COVID Mental Health Conditions
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Culturally Responsive Care in Mental Health
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Mental Health Care for Veterans
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Understanding and Addressing Suicidal Behavior: Assessment, Treatment, and Management
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Please note: This course is pending approval with the Kentucky Occupational Therapy Board.