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MFT Approved CEs
How Behavioral Health Providers Are Addressing Substance Misuse Trends and Outcomes
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Access CE Course
How Mood Disorders Impact Children
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Human Trafficking, Identification, Intervention, and Treatment in the Healthcare Setting
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Navigating the Fentanyl Crisis in America
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Access CE Course
Exploring the Interplay Between Physical and Mental Health
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Exploring and Preventing Youth Suicide
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Access CE Course
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills and Interventions
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Clinical Supervision in Behavioral Health
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Guidelines for Clinical Supervision
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Access CE Course
Clinical Supervision Methods and Models
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Access CE Course
Understanding Serious Mental Illness
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Promoting Inclusivity in Mental Health Practice
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Access CE Course
Treating Opioid Use Disorder
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Access CE Course
Analyzing Drugs of Abuse: Overview, Treatment, and Prevention
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Summarizing the HIPAA Privacy Rule
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Prevention, Identification, and Treatment of Domestic Violence
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Florida Laws and Rules for Social Worker and Mental Health Professionals
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
This course is approved for Laws and Rules credit by The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling
Telehealth for Treating Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Treatment Considerations for Youth with Serious Emotional Disturbances and Serious Mental Illness
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 1 hour in the Alcohol/ Drug Category and 1 hour in the Mental Health Category.
Disaster Planning for Behavioral Health Service Programs
$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Evidence-Based and Culturally Relevant Behavioral Health Interventions
$7.50 | CE Hours:1.50 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders
$7.50 | CE Hours:1.50 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Support for Behavioral Health Needs Stemming From COVID
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Treatment for Suicidal Ideation
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 4 hours in the Alcohol/ Drug Category and 4 hours in the Mental Health Category.
National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Access CE Course
HIPAA Privacy Rule and Sharing Information Related to Mental Health (Update)
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
The Opioid Crisis and the African American Population
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Persons With Co-Occurring Disorders
$50.00 | CE Hours:10.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Please note this course is not NAADAC-approved because it exceeds the 8-hour daily limit.
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 5 hours in the Alcohol/ Drug Category and 5 hours in the Co-Occurring Category.
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Anger Management: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach (Update)
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 3 hours in the Mental Health Category
First-Episode Psychosis and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 1 hour in the Alcohol/ Drug Category and 1 hour in the Mental Health Category
Motivational Interviewing
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Psychiatric Advance Directives
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Advanced | Access CE Course
Community Based Behavioral Health Services for Justice-Involved Individuals
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Antipsychotic Prescribing for Children and Adolescents
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Civil Commitment and Mental Health Care
$7.50 | CE Hours:1.50 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Advancing Community-Based Solutions for Justice-Involved People with Mental and Substance Use Dis
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Criminal Justice Settings
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Screening and Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System (Updated)
$40.00 | CE Hours:8.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 4 hours in the Alcohol/ Drug Category, 2 hours in the Ethics Category, and 2 hours in the Co-occurring Category.
Older Adults Living With Serious Mental Illness
FREE | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Prevention of Child Maltreatment (Update)
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Medicaid Coverage for Medication-Assisted Treatment of Alcohol and Opioid Use Disorder
$22.50 | CE Hours:4.50 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Behavioral Health Services for American Indians and Alaska Natives
$35.00 | CE Hours:7.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors: Approved for 7 hours in the Mental Health Category
Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid Use Disorder
$30.00 | CE Hours:6.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Children of Imprisoned Parents
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Human Trafficking Victims
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
This course meets the Human Trafficking requirements in Florida for Nurses but is NOT approved for the Texas mandatory requirement.
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Human Services
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Programs for Youth
$7.50 | CE Hours:1.50 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Clinical Guidelines for the Management of PTSD and Acute Stress Disorder
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Meditation in Treating PTSD
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Supporting Women with Substance Use Disorders in Co-ed Settings
$15.00 | CE Hours:3.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
IAODAPCA CE Credit for Counselor I or II, Preventionist I or II, CARS I or II, CODP I or II, PCGC II, CCJP II, CAAP I, CRSS I or II, CPRS I or II, MAATP I or II, CFPP II, GCE, CVSS II
Co-Occurring Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Problems
$25.00 | CE Hours:5.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Evidence-Based Practices for Preventing Childhood Abuse and Neglect
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
HIPAA: Secure Electronic Health Records
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Ethics for Marriage and Family Therapists
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Clinical Supervision
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course is approved by the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Course Approval # DVP-2019-14, for DV Supervision 2 CEs. This approval will appear on your CE Certificate.
** Ohio Licensee's: Ohio CSWMFTB has approved this course for supervision for 2 CE hours for counselors and social workers only. MFTs may take it for General CE only.
**Florida: this course is approved for 2 CE hours of General hours and not for Supervision.
HIV Infected Women - Psychological Issues
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Suicide Prevention Protocols for Juvenile Justice Youth
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Beginning | Access CE Course
Cultural Elements in Treating Addiction in Latino Populations
$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Behavioral Health for the Homeless
$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
This course can only be viewed by clicking the Download PDF link. It is not available in the online reading format. This is a large document, please allow plenty of time for the download especially on slower connections
Understanding Elder Abuse
$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate | Access CE Course
Approved by Oregon DHS for AMH, APD and DD