Ethical Principles in Behavior Health: Implicit Bias

$5.00 | CE Hours:1.00 | Intermediate

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CEU Course Description

Implicit bias occurs in behavioral health care when professionals have attitudes toward people or associate stereotypes with them without conscious knowledge. Emerging research shows that it is prevalent among service providers. Although such bias occurs automatically and unintentionally, it adversely impacts judgments, decisions, and behaviors. The negative or stigmatizing attitudes toward population groups may be activated during practitioner-client encounters, and the disparities that occur must be addressed and mitigated. This course will increase professionals' knowledge of implicit bias, its harmful consequences, and how it can be mitigated. 

Author: Kimberly H. Fortin, LCSW-R

References / Contributions by:

  1. Agarwal, P (2020). What Neuroimaging Can Tell Us about Our Unconscious Biases. Scientific American. Retrieved October 2020.
  2. Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competency (NCCC). Conscious and Unconscious Biases in Healthcare. Retrieved October 2022.
  3. Learning for Justice (2022), Test Yourself for Hidden Bias. Retrieved October 2022.
  4. Merino, Y., Adams, L., & Hall, W. J. (2018). Implicit bias and mental health professionals: Priorities and directions for research.
  5. Psychiatry Online. Retrieved October 2022. 19 Project Implicit (2022). Retrieved October 2022.

CEU Course Objectives

  1. Identify the differences between explicit and implicit bias and their causes.
  2. Examine the negative impacts implicit biases can have.
  3. Recognize implicit biases when they arise and ways they can be mitigated.

CE Outline with Main Points

  1. Introduction
  2. Explicit Bias
  3. Implicit Bias
  4. Impacts of Implicit Bias
  5. Interventions to Address Bias
  6. Conclusion 
  7. References
Total Time: 1 hour
Course Level: Introductory

ACE credit is not offered for this course. A list of courses offering ACE credit can be found here.

Course Development: Each course is identified and reviewed by the appropriate Quantum Units Education consultant with professional and licensed expertise in the various disciplines we serve. Our professional consultants oversee course development to satisfy the needs of various professionals based on their board requirements, rate course degrees of difficulty and ensure the course content and exam questions are appropriate, relevant and comprehensive. See our professional staff and their bios here.

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Added On: 01/01/2023

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