Clinical Supervision for Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals

$10.00 | CE Hours:2.00 | Beginning

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CEU Course Description

Clinical supervision is necessary in substance abuse treatment and other behavioral health settings to improve client care, develop the professionalism of clinical personnel, and impart and maintain ethical standards in the field. Clinical supervision helps to improve skills and safety and to provide support for clinicians as well as to ensure the well-being of the individual receiving care. This course will educate professionals in the general principles and guidelines of clinical supervision and the teaching, coaching, consulting, and mentoring functions of supervision. 

Author:  Kimberly H. Fortin, LCSW-R

References / Contributions by:

  1. Bernard, J.M. & Goodyear, R.K. (2021). Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision (6th ed). Pearson.
  2. NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals (2021). NAADAC/NCC AP Code of Ethics. Alexandria, VA: NAADAC. Retrieved March 2023:
  3. SAMSHA (2021). Competencies For Supervision In Substance Use Disorder Treatment: An Overview. Retrieved March 2023.

CEU Course Objectives

  1. Identify the functions and responsibilities of clinical supervision.
  2. Examine the cultural, ethical, and legal considerations in clinical supervision.
  3. Explore best practices in providing clinical supervision, monitoring the clinical practice of supervisees, and documentation of supervision.

CE Outline and Main Points

  1. Introduction
  2. Functions, Roles, & Responsibilities of Clinical Supervision
  3. Supervisory Foundation Areas
  4. Supervisor Ethics 
  5. Models of Clinical Supervision
  6. Developing Your Model of Supervision
  7. Supervisory Contract, Assessment & Evaluation
  8. Cultural Competency in Clinical Supervision
  9. Ethical Considerations in Clinical Supervision
  10. Legal Issues in Clinical Supervision
  11. Harmful Supervision
  12. Best Practices in Clinical Supervision
  13. Conclusion
  14. References
  15. Appendix A: Supervision Contract Sample 
  16. Appendix B: Case Consultation/ Weekly Supervision Sample 
  17. Appendix C: Supervisor Evaluation of Counselor Behaviors

Course Time: 2 hours

Course Level:  Introductory

ACE credit is not offered for this course. A list of courses offering ACE credit can be found here.

Course Development: Each course is identified and reviewed by the appropriate Quantum Units Education consultant with professional and licensed expertise in the various disciplines we serve. Our professional consultants oversee course development to satisfy the needs of various professionals based on their board requirements, rate course degrees of difficulty and ensure the course content and exam questions are appropriate, relevant and comprehensive. See our professional staff and their bios here.

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Added On: 12/31/1969

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