HIV Infected Women - Psychological Issues

$20.00 | CE Hours:4.00 | Intermediate

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CE Course Description

Although those working with women living with HIV focus primarily on the physical manifestations of the condition, this CE course examines the understanding of the psychosocial, cultural, mental health, and substance abuse issues faced by HIV infected women in order to optimize care and makes recommendations for social worker response, evaluation, and management.  Working with adolescent and palliative care populations is also discussed.

Article Author:  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services.  A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV - 2013 Edition.  Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013.

References / Contributions by:

  1. WHO, Guidance on Provider-Initiated HIV Testingmand Counselling in Health Facilities 2007, V 
  2. World Bank, A cash transfer program reduces HIV infections among adolescent girls, Retrieved from:

CE Course Objectives

  1. List three gender norms that contribute to the spread of HIV infection.
  2. Explain harm-reduction techniques for women who are IDUs.
  3. Appraise three factors of the most vulnerable women.
  4. Evaluate principles of bereavement support to care for patients and families.
  5. Identify three triggers that may exacerbate an existing mental health disorder among women with HIV.
  6. Describe the single most useful examination for substance abuse.

CE Outline with Main Points

1. Psychosocial Issues, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse
a.  Major Psychosocial and Cultural Issues Faced by Women with HIV Infection
b.  Mental Health Issues
c.  Specific Mental Health Conditions
d.  Psychopharmacology
e.  Substance Abuse
2.  Adolescents
a.  HIV in Adolescents
b.  Epidemiology
c.  Risk Factors
d.  Issues in HIV Care for Adolescents
e.  HIV Clinical and Psychosocial Care
f.  Age Transitions
3.  Palliative and Supportive Care
a.  Therapy to Improve Quality of Life
b.  HIV as a Chronic Disease
c.  Pain and Nonpain Symptoms
d.  Advanced Illness
e.  Incorporating Principles of Palliative Care Into Everyday Practice
4.  Occupational Exposure and Postexposure Management
a.  HIV, HBV, and HCV Exposures Are Common
b.  Universal Precautions to Prevent Exposure
c.  Exposure and Transmission
d.  Postexposure Assessment and Management
e.  Resistance
f.  Follow-Up Postexposure Laboratory Monitoring
g.  Hepatitis B and C Postexposure Management
h.  HIV Infected Healthcare Providers
5.  Quality Management
a.  Improved Patient Care
b.  Elements of a Quality Management Program
c.  Case Study: Quality Improvement In Action
d.  Sustaining Change and Spreading Ideas

Total Time: 4 Hours
Course Level: Intermediate

Social Work Approval

Social Work CE Credit for this course is offered with the following approvals. Many state boards of social work will accept the approvals listed. Provider Approvals by state and license type can be found here.

  • Quantum Units Education is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, CAMFT Provider #89970, to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEP. Quantum Units Education maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.
  • Florida board for Social Workers CE Provider #50-8650 (Quantum 'immediately' reports CE Credits to Florida licensees) 
  • Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, License No. 159.001261 approved CE Sponsor
  • Ohio CSWMFTB #RCST091701 approved CE Provider
  • Texas Board of SWE #5070 approved CE Provider
  • Quantum Units Education, #1289, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 01/03/2023 - 01/03/2026. Social workers completing this course receive 4.00 'General' continuing education credits.

To see other approvals in your state, see our state by state provider approval listings here.

Course Development: Each course is identified and reviewed by the appropriate Quantum Units Education consultant with professional and licensed expertise in the various disciplines we serve. Our professional consultants oversee course development to satisfy the needs of various professionals based on their board requirements, rate course degrees of difficulty and ensure the course content and exam questions are appropriate, relevant and comprehensive. See our professional staff and their bios here.

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Added On: 12/28/2013

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